Part 24: worth it

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CW: Descriptions of violence and blood, violence against women. LAST CHAPTER IS COMING TOMORROW!

They're sitting in Bucky's car, Eden in the passenger seat and Wanda in the back. The car is parked two blocks away from Rumlow's mother's house. Bucky has an entire bag of McDonald's sitting in his lap that he's shoveling into his mouth.

It took them an hour to come up with what Eden thinks is the dumbest plan in the world, but it's all they've got right now, and they're desperate. Earlier this afternoon, they got a phone call from Frank Castle, who said he would meet them at 5:00pm to help them take down Rumlow. He doesn't want a cut of the money, he just wants to see justice done in whatever way is necessary.

Eden doesn't know why Murdock and his crew are helping them out so much, but she appreciates it. It's not like they have to do this.

The sun is beginning to set. It's 4:57pm.

"Okay, we'll go over the plan again," Bucky says as he takes a bite of his second burger.

"I'm sorry, how are you eating right now?" Wanda asks.

"Well, I'm very uncomfortable," Bucky informs her. "This helps soothe me."

Wanda rolls her eyes, taking a drag of her cigarette as she looks out the window.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Eden mutters.

"What's the plan, beautiful?" Bucky asks.

Eden sighs. This is so stupid. It might be the stupidest thing they've ever done, and she has no idea if it's going to work.

"I pretend that I got into a car accident and ring the doorbell."

"And then I come running after her, screaming that she fucked my car up."

"Right," Eden replies. "And I beg Rumlow's mom to please let me inside and use the phone."

"That's where I'll be waiting at the back door," Bucky says. "The phone is right next to it, if I remember correctly."

Yeah, he'd better be right about that.

"And I'll come running around the back," Wanda says softly.

"You unlock it and let us in." Bucky grins and takes another bite of his burger. "Piece of cake. I called Zemo. The Sokovians are in the area ready to pick him up."

"If Rumlow is actually at his mother's house," Wanda replies.

"Yeah," Bucky sighs. "That's the–"

A large fist tapping against the window makes Bucky jump and choke on his food. Eden rolls her eyes and slams him on the back.

"Breathe, Bucky. I told you to stop taking huge bites."

"Not helpful," he rasps, coughing harder. Eden smacks him on the back one more time until finally, he stops just long enough to take a sip of his soda. "Jesus Christ!"

She reaches across his lap and rolls down the window.

"First day with your new windpipe?" The stranger asks.

At first, all Eden sees is his torso until he ducks down and locks eyes with bucky. He's surprisingly handsome - a little rough around the edges, with dark hair and a chiseled jaw. He grins when he spots her and Eden watches Bucky's jaw clench with jealousy. She reaches over and touches his thigh, squeezing it gently to let her know that she's his.

"Something like that," Bucky grumbles. "You're Frank?"

"In the flesh." He looks at Wanda. "You wanna open the door for me there, sweetheart?"

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