Part 13: like real people do

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A/N: Strip poker, Eden and Bucky finally catch a break.

CW: Smut, slight domination, slight daddy kink, spanking, masturbation, teasing.

I also just realized that one of my references was a show that came out in 1981 but let's just pretend it didn't because I'm not changing the joke 😂

The snow doesn't stop for three days. In the meantime, Eden and Bucky drink most of the booze in the house, eat nothing but pasta and toast, and get to know each other better - in many, many different capacities. She learns that Bucky is actually pretty funny. He has a wry, cynical sense of humor that matches her own, and he can turn even the most boring meals into something she actually wants to eat. He's kind to her when she doesn't expect it, and he's oddly affectionate. She wouldn't have expected it from him, but he's been surprising her more and more lately.

She kind of likes him. A lot. That surprises her too.

This afternoon, they're sitting on the bed sharing a bottle of whiskey while listening to the radio and playing cards. Bucky suggests strip poker and Eden rolls her eyes.

"Of course you would say that," she laughs.

She's having an easier time getting along with him. They're not insulting each other or sniping at each other, but both of them are still trying to navigate this very difficult space that they've created.

"Come on, Eden. It'll be fun."

"You've already seen me naked."

"And I'd like to again," he replies with a wink as he lights his cigarette.

"Fine," she sighs.

Bucky stares at her.

"We don't have to."

She bites her lip.

"I kind of want to now."

"You do?"

She grins.

"Let's play, Barnes."

Bucky smirks and begins to deal the cards.

"How good are you at poker?"

"A hell of a lot better than you," Eden chastises him. He raises his eyebrows.

"Don't be so sure about that."

"I've seen you play up close and personal. I think I've got this."

Bucky chuckles softly. Eden's first instinct is to take offense to it, but instead she swallows her first reaction. He's just being flirtatious.

"All right, sweetheart. Let's see what you've got."

He deals out the cards and Eden takes a big swig of whiskey to calm her nerves. She watches as a smile tugs at the corners of Bucky's mouth.

"Liquid courage?"


"I thought I've already seen you naked."

She winks at him.

"Yeah, but I like to win."

"Just don't let it cloud your judgement too much," he purrs as he wraps his fingers around the neck of the bottle and takes a sip.

He lights her another cigarette, popping one into the corner of his mouth and then handing it to her. She smiles at him, blush creeping into her cheeks as Bucky deals out five cards. Eden looks at her hand and immediately has three of a kind. Pretty good, she thinks.

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