Part 10: show me all your love (all you're giving me is friction)

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A/N: Content warning for smut. But y'all shouldn't be surprised at this point. These two are a horny MESS.

The afternoon gives way to a new kind of tension. Bucky cuddles her for about an hour before he heads to the shower, taking the flashlight with him and leaving Eden to sit by herself contemplating every single life decision she's made up until this point.

What the fuck did they just do? Why did they do it? Why does she want to do it again? She hears the shower turn off and he emerges from the bathroom with a towel slung around his waist. Water drips off of his hair and rushes down his broad chest. She can't stop staring at him, still not quite able to believe that this man just fucked her right into the mattress and said some of the filthiest things she's ever heard. And she fucked gangsters.

Bucky locks eyes with her and quirks a brow.

"See something you like?"

She glowers at him.

"Why are you so obnoxious?"

"Why are you looking?" He grins. "Want another round?"

Bucky goes to untie the towel from around his waist. Eden throws a pillow at him and he catches it with ease with his metal hand. Bucky chuckles, throws it back, and picks up his bag to take it into the bathroom so that he can change. As he saunters down the hall, he turns to glance at her over his shoulder.

"Unless you want a free show, kitten."

She rolls her eyes.

"Fuck off."

Even his ass looks good in that towel. Motherfucker. Bucky winks at her and heads back to the bathroom. When he emerges in a sweatshirt and jeans, setting the flashlight down on the nightstand, Eden snatches it up, along with her own bag so that she can go and shower. She needs a minute without him, just some time to fucking think. She turns the shower on and steps inside, letting the water wash over her and cleanse her of some of the absolutely unholy shit they did in that bed. She grabs a bar of soap to wash the smell of sex and his cologne.

This should be a simple assignment. Wait out the snowstorm, get more intel on Rumlow, catch him, turn him in, and split the reward money.

And now it's all fucked up. Because of both of them.

"Couldn't keep it in your pants," she mumbles to herself as she shampoos her hair. "Idiot."

She stays in the shower for as long as she can, keeping her eyes closed and trying to will out the images of his muscular body, and the sensation of his metal fingers swirling around her clit. She bites her lip, sighing softly until the water suddenly goes cold and she shrieks.

"JESUS CHRIST!" She yelps, flinging herself as far away from the shower head as she can. She hears something in the hallway as she grabs a towel and quickly wraps it around her body. The bathroom door flings open and Bucky stands in the doorway, his eyes wide.

"What's going on?!"

"I used all the hot water."

She's dripping and shivering. Bucky grabs a spare towel and holds it up.

"Come here."

"I don't need your help!"

He rolls his eyes.

"You're fucking shivering, Eden. If you don't warm up, you're going to catch a cold and I don't want to have to take care of you the entire assignment." His eyes are warm and sparkling. The dark blue sweater he has on brings out his eyes. She likes his eyes. She could get lost in them forever. They might be his best quality.

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