Part 23: riptide

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A/N: The feminism in my body has exited stage left this chapter. I don't know when, or if, she's coming back. I just want to say sorry to my women's studies professors.

MAJOR CONTENT AND TRIGGER WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER: daddy kink, spit kink, choking, bondage, inappropriate use of Bucky's metal fingers, masturbation, dirty talk, knife kink, inappropriate use of a knife handle (I've already emailed my therapist, okay?), AND FINALLY, rough sex. OBVIOUSLY.

Eden wakes up to the sound of Bucky at the door, whispering softly. She can't really hear what he's saying. It sounds like he's sticking his head into the hallway. Eden's body is exhausted, and she's got a hangover from all the gin she drank last night. She groans softly and rolls onto her back, looking at the clock. 8:00am. How is Bucky awake? It's usually her who has to wake him up lately. The guy sleeps like the dead, especially with all of those antibiotics pumping through his system.

The wedding rings that were in his jacket pocket are sitting near the clock radio. Eden smiles and reaches over, slipping them onto her left hand. She hears the door close and pretends to sleep, watching Bucky bring in a few bottles of champagne and some roses.

Where the fuck did he get the money for that?

With one eye barely open, she watches him place the bouquet on the dresser, along with the champagne.

"I thought you were broke," she remarks, her voice still heavy and husky from sleep.

Bucky turns around and smirks. He's still in his dress shirt from last night. It's completely unbuttoned when he turns around, showcasing his still battered and bruised, but gorgeously cut body. Eden takes a moment to appreciate him. He's a little sexier with the bruises and the bandage. From here, it doesn't look like he bled during the night, which is always a good sign.

"Took some money out of your purse," he whispers. "Figured we'd keep this safe for when we finally get Rumlow."

Eden chuckles.

"Douchebag," she mumbles.

His eyes go wide.

"Douchebag?! I just got you flowers!"

"Taking money out of a woman's purse isn't very cool of you."

"Yeah, well, she's my girlfriend, and the roses and champagne are for her. It's like you bought yourself a present."

She feels the bed dip and he crawls on top of her, throwing the blankets aside. Eden gasps and whines. Her head is thumping but she tries to ignore the sensation in favor of focusing on the beautiful man who is now looming over her with a seductive smile on his face.

"Bucky, it's cold!" She laughs.

"Let me warm you up, then," he purrs.

His eyes are glittering with lust and mischief. This man is walking around acting like he didn't just get stabbed on a sidewalk a few days earlier. She can see him wince every so often as he moves, but he's trying not to make a big deal out of it. Eden giggles, rubbing one eye (probably smearing some leftover mascara onto her face) and then running her fingers through her messy hair.

"Where did you get all of this energy after the amount you drank last night?"

"I got to sleep beside the most beautiful woman in the world–"

"Oh, fuck all the way off. I look like shit right now," she laughs. "Nice try, though."

"It was, wasn't it?" He whispers, capturing her lips and kissing her deeply. It's so different from the way he kissed her the first night they were stuck in Zemo's safehouse. Part of her wants to go back there, because the animosity between them still feels very familiar, but Bucky has opened up a completely new door in her heart. She feels so much lighter when she's with him, not to mention happy. For the first time in forever. Eden has been nursing a wound that wouldn't heal, and now it's finally beginning to close.

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