Chapter 10: Awkard Encounters and Then Maybe A Board Game

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"Well," Frank coughed. "This is awkward..."

"Yeah." Gerard sniffed and looked down at his feet, shuffling them.

"How 'bout we-" They both started.

"Or maybe we-" They said again.

"You go first." Gerard nodded, and Frank continued.

"I was going to say we should watch T.V or something." Frank suggested, shrugging.

"We could do that. OR we could play a board game." Gerard stated, and then crossed his arms.

Board game? More like BORED GAME!" Frank teased, and Gerard scowled.

Frank rolled his eyes and finally gave in.

"Fine, but I choose what board game we play." Frank offered.

Gerard waited a moment until he finally agreed. "Deal."

"SOOrryy!" Gerard sang for the fourth time.

"You're fucking kidding me! This is like the billionth time this game!" Frank cried, and begrudgingly picked up his green piece and put it back in the starting space. "I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"No you won't. You looove me." Gerard said, smiling sweetly as he moved his red piece forward 2 spaces.

"Hey, hold up buddy. This is only the first date." Frank teased.

"Oh. This is a date?" Gerard asked, suddenly serious.

"Well, yeah- I- I thought it was, I mean if it's not it's-" Frank stuttered.

"No, no. It is. I just wasn't sure if that's how you were seeing it. If it was a one way date and I was the one on the date and you were the one hanging out with your 'just friend. I dunno." Gerard explained sheepishly.

"Well. Sorry." Frank muttered

"It's okay you didn't do anything wrong." Gerard said.

"No, I mean Sorry. As in, move your piece back to the start." Frank rolled his eyes as Gerard started to catch on.

"Oh! Hey! That's not fair!" Gerard yelled.

"Oh yeah it is! Who's the best?! I am. Who's the best?! I AM!" Frank chanted, and Gerard laughed.

"Fuck you, Iero. I'm still going to win." Gerard said, flipping his hair.

"I like it when you say my name." Frank growled seductively.

"Ah, ah, ah, Frank." Gerard tutted. "This is only the first date." He mocked Frank's words.

And they continued to play.


"How did you WIN?! I GOT SORRY'S AT LEAST A BILLION TIMES! FUCK YOU, IERO!" Gerard cried and rolled on the floor, while Frank stood up and did a little dance.

"Who's the best?! I am! Who's the best?! I MOTHERFUCKING AM!"

"SERIOUSLY FUCK YOU, YOU PRICK!" Gerard screeched and continued to writhe on the floor.

"At least buy me a drink first, darling," Frank said flirtatiously.

"Mm, yeah you wish, Frankie." Gerard said, sitting up from the floor.

Frank bit his lip and winked at Gerard, so the red haired boy sat laid back down again to hide the blush starting to crawl up his face.

Frank crawled over and collapsed on the floor next to Gerard, lying on his stomach.

Resting his head on his arms, Gerard turned to look at Frank.

"What do you want to do now?" He asked.

"I dunno. What time is it?" Frank replied.

"Uh, about two. Why?" Gerard wondered. He hoped Frank didn't have to leave.

"No reason. Weren't you going to make a ham roast?" Frank said.

"Oh shit, yeah. My ham roast. Meh. It can wait." Gerard shrugged lazily, and stretched. When he put his hands back down, they accidentally landed in Frank's palm.

"Oh, sorry, I-" Gerard went to move them away, but Frank quickly grabbed them and laced his fingers through Gerard's.

"Let's just stay like this for a bit. Hm?" Frank suggested, and Gerard only grunted in agreement. The shorter man scooted closer and laid his head on Gerard's chest, and he found himself running his fingers through Frank's hair.

Frank yawned, and Gerard soon followed. Both of the boys found their eyes getting heavier and heavier, until at last, they closed their eyes and fell into an easy rest.

Gerard's last thought before falling asleep was 'This is perfect'.


Hello, my darlings, how are you on this fine day/night? Good? I'm glad. I suppose you are wondering where I've been. Well. This weekend was Easter so I was forced to attend family matters and I unfortunately could not access this device for an extended period of time. And then last weekend I went to a Doctor Who convention so I definitely didn't have time to be reading and writing fine works of art. But now, at last, here I am, with a totally un-edited piece of writing because I am extremely lazy. So here you are. I hope you enjoy.

Frank likes to be buttfucked my Gerard and as always,

Keep Running

-xø lilly

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