Chapter 3: Pierce the Green Day

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yoooo, ready for some small Frerard? Remember. They don't make plans to see each other again, it's purely random. Whoops, spoiler. anyway. DONT DRINK AND DRIVE PLEASE AND THANK YOU BECAUSE YOU DONT ALWAYS MEET YOUR LOVER SOMETIMES YOU DIE okay anyway, enjoy. does anybody recognize the song? ^^^
Frank was happily drumming on his steering wheel after dropping a delirious Ray off at his apartment, and jamming out to Green Day at the moment.

"With heaven above you, there's hell over me..." He sang loudly. Or maybe this wasn't Green Day. He didn't know, nor did he care. He was still a little tipsy. Okay a little more than tipsy, but that didn't matter at the moment. What did matter was that he was not paying attention to the road. At all.

Suddenly, Frank was jolted around, and he heard a loud crash. Did someone just hit him? No. There weren't any other cars around. So what the hell just- oh...

Frank slowly opened the car door and stepped out. His car had accidentally smashed into a very dented, very rusty, and very peeled mailbox.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck this motherfucker." Frank cursed under his breath. He wasn't necessarily worried about his car, he was worried about having to pay for the damage of this person's mailbox, and the fact that this person would probably call the cops on him for drunk driving. He was also worried it would be a mean old woman or some elderly guy who would scream stuff like "Get of my lawn!" or "Those darn youths!". Man, Frank hated old people. What he definitely was not worried about, but should have been, was the fact that a guy with bright red hair in his early 20's lived there. Well shit.

He came running outside with a plastic baseball bat, but slowly lowered it when he saw what happened.

"Oh, shit." The guy muttered and rubbed his eyes. Then, he noticed Frank standing sheepishly by his car.

"Hey! You!" The guy yelled, and Frank cringed. Why does God hate him so much? Probably because he didn't actually believe in the guy, but whatever.

"Y-yeah?" Frank stammered.

"Did you seriously hit my mailbox 'cause you were singing Pierce the Veil?" The guy asked. So that's what he was listening to.

"Uh, yeah. I guess so." Frank blushed. They guy came closer.

"And, are you drunk?" The guy asked, his eyebrows rising.

"Uh, yeah. I guess so." Frank said again.

"Is all you can say 'Uh, yeah. I guess so'?" The guy asked again.

"No." Was Franks simple reply.

"No, I suppose not. What are you gonna do about this?" The red-haired guy gestured to the mess that was Frank's car and this guy's mailbox.

"I- I'll pay for it, I swear! I just, I just, I'll have to get the money first, and I-" Frank offered before the guy cut him off.

"Hey, it's okay. It's just a mailbox. I needed a new one anyway. Now I just have an excuse to get my self out and get one." The guy laughed. Frank decided he had a very, very nice laugh.

"Oh, um. Yeah, so. I'm gonna go home now, I'm really sorry about all this." Frank apologized and started for his damaged car.

"Um, no way. You're drunk and you just crashed into my mailbox. You can stay the night. It's all good in the hood." The guy grabbed Frank's arm and dragged him inside the house.

The inside of the house was... Cluttered. It wasn't messy, it wasn't clean, it was just cluttered. Frank was cool with that. Frank was cool with anything as long as this guy didn't call the cops on him. Except for rape and murder. He wasn't okay with that.

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