Chapter 4: Veggie Bacon

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[[A/N]] this is the song Gee plays on his record player. Woops. Spoilers again. Not important though.

Frank woke up with a pounding headache and singing coming from the kitchen. He groaned and pushed himself up from his lying position, making himself dizzy in the process. He then proceeded to collapse back onto his pillow. Wait a minute. This was NOT his pillow. Where the fuck- oh right. Gerard's house.

Frank rolled over and noticed someone had put two Advil and a large glass water on the bed side table with a note that read:

'Thought you might want something to cure that massive headache you probably have. Serves you right for drinking and driving. Also crashing into my mailbox. Be sure to drink ALL the water, because I don't want to be responsible for taking you to the hospital when the pills burn through your throat. Hope you had fun reading this with your headache!!


Frank rolled his eyes at Gerard's obnoxiousness. He barely even knew this guy and Gerard was pretending like they were life long friends.

"Whatever." Frank muttered and downed the pills, drinking all the water just like Gerard, or Gee as he was referring to himself, told him to.

Frank decided to wait 30 minutes to let the Advil kick in before getting up to face Gerard. He laid back down and went back to sleep.


Frank woke up 45 minutes later, with his headache less intense then before. He could finally sit up with feeling faint, too.

Frank pulled the covers back and got out of bed. He yawned, then stretched, making a large groaning noise. A couple of his backbones cracked, and he sighed. Frank looked around the room he was in, not having taken very long to observe it last night, due to his drunken state. The walls were an off-white, and the bed covers had pastel pink and blue flowers on them. There was a white dresser with a large mirror on the wall above it, and a big white chair. He found his clothes in a neat pile on it, washed and dried. Frank stripped out of Gerard's pajamas and slipped into his own, newly clean clothing.

Quietly, Frank ventured out into the hallway, careful not to alert Gerard he was awake. He could hear the sound of a record being placed onto a record player. The song started and he heard two voices. It took a couple of seconds to realize one of them was Gerard's.

"Wow," Frank breathed. Gerard was... Amazing, really. Frank decided to be loud when walking down the hallway so Gerard wouldn't be angry at Frank for sneaking up on him or eavesdropping. It worked.

Gerard immediately stopped singing when Frank entered the kitchen and the smell of bacon hit his nose.

"Hey, sleepy head. Speaking of which, how's your head?" Gerard asked.

"It'll be better once I have coffee," Frank scowled at the red-haired man.

"Got some right here. And some bacon. Figured you'd want it, considering..." Gerard trailed off, leaving Frank to guess what he was going to say.

"Yeah, probably. Although, it's not that bad now, just because the Advil is kicking in. Thanks, by the way." Frank scratched his nose and shifted his eyes embarrassedly.

"It's no problem. I mean, you're not a total stranger or anything. You know Mikey, so." Gerard shrugged and turned back to the bacon he was cooking.

"Yeah." Was all Frank said back.

A couple minutes of awkward silence later, the bacon was done and the aromatic coffee was poured into two stark white mugs, which were placed gently on the table.

"I'm, uh. Not sure how you like your coffee? Because I take mine with like 5 pounds of sugar and two bottles of creamer." Gerard said jokingly.

Frank laughed. "Yeah, I take mine black, so you know."

"Ew! Black? Not even a little bit of sugar? Not even just skim milk? NOTHING?! You freak!" Gerard made a fake gagging sound and continued to put in three spoonfuls of sugar.

"No offence, but it seems like you take your milk and sugar with a splash of coffee, not the other way around." Frank retorted.

"Hey. I like my coffee like I like my men. Sweet, and will give me some sugar." Gerard remarked while flipping his hair.

And that's how Gerard Way came out to a hungover guy who he had only known for technically two hours.

"What?" Frank gave Gerard a weird look, and Gerard finally realised what he had said.

"Oh, I'm gay. Is that a problem? Because if it is, YOU CAN GET OUT OF MY HOUSE MOTHER FU-" Gerard started to scream before Frank cut him off.

"Woah, dude. Chill out. It's cool. My parents are gay. My moms are the shit." Frank nodded.

"Oh. Okay, well. That's good. I mean, I uh," Gerard chuckled, his cheeks flaring red.

"Don't worry about it." Frank nodded. Some people didn't accept his parents at all, meaning they didn't accept him either. One time, this old lady referred to Frank as 'a devil child, who was born from Sin'. It was actually his 1st grade teacher. He switched schools after that.

Gerard sat down at in a chair at his rounded, wooden table, and took a bite of a piece of bacon.

"It's not real bacon by the way. Mikey told be about his 'short, punk, vegetarian friend', and I assumed it was you." Gerard revealed.

"Oh, shit. With this fucking headache, I almost forgot I was vegetarian." Frank smacked his head. "Ow, ow. Bad idea."

Gerard giggled and took a sip of his 'coffee'. "So, how was growing up with gay parents? I'm just wondering for future references and stuff." Gerard asked softly, and Frank's heart gave a pang.

'Aw, that's adorable. He wants kids!' Frank thought to himself.

"Uh, it wasn't bad. It wasn't good, but it wasn't awful. I mean, my parents are really accepting of everything. Sometimes, though, people would discriminate me because of my parents, and when I came home with another black eye, I could hear Grace, that's one of my moms, crying through the walls. But, like, most people were accepting and everything. I got free pizza at this Gay Right's pizza place on thirteenth street in Philadelphia. That was cool. And the guy gave me a coupon for free pizza for being a vegetarian, too." Frank recounted.

"Oh. I'm not sure if I should say 'that's cool' or 'that sucks' so I'm just going to say both." Gerard laughed.

"Yeah. But I mean, that was the 90's. There are way more people that are accepting now. Like, I haven't gotten hate about my parents since I was 14." Frank pointed out.

"Good. I'm glad." Gerard said.

"Hey, what time is it?" Frank asked suddenly.

"Um, almost 12, why?" Gerard replied.

"Shit! I uh, I gotta go Gerard! Thank you, so so so much. I owe you one. Like, big time. But I have to leave! Bye!" Frank cried and rushed out of the door.

"Wait! What's your number?!" Gerard called out the door, but Frank was already driving away.

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