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The Water Incident.


Mia's POV:

Once entering the classroom, I sat in my assigned seat in the back of the class. Stares lingered on my face more than usual taking in my new blue eyes. Sinking into my seat, I cowered away from the world.

"Mia. Could you come up here?" Mrs. Reyes asked gesturing to the chemical lab set up.

Groaning, I got up from my seat and walked over to the lab. Different colored liquids covered the table from every inch.

"Today we are going to-Hey you got contacts." Mrs. Reyes broke off staring at my eyes.

I nodded slowly looking away towards the lab.

"Anyways, today we're going to be studying the different reactions metals have to different liquids. Yes Katy?" Mrs Reyes paused pointing at the annoying girl.

"Why does Mia get to do this lab with you?" She asked disgusted.

As you can tell Katy and I aren't the best of friends. Not even friends at all, really.

"Because instead of your C average, Mia got an A on her test. So do you have anymore questions? Or can I continue with this lab." Mrs. Reyes smartly replied.

Katy paled looking at her lab paper on her desk.

Serves you right.

"As I was saying, Mia could you grab that cylinder of water." She said pointing to the gradulated cylinder while getting a silver metal.

I grabbed the cylinder as she came back. The water looked so vibrant. A nice clear blue that looked so see through.

"-you understand." Mrs. Reyes explained looking at me.

My eyes widened, "Um. What?"

"I said I'm going to drop this in the water and you have to step back quickly." She said chuckling.

I nodded, looking at the clear liquid. Mrs. Reyes dropped the metal into the water and I set the cylinder on the table and stepped back. The clear liquid turned a dark blue and started to bubble up. The bubbling liquid blew the cylinder into pieces. Gasping, I shielded away from the shards and the water the blew my way.

Silence. Complete silence is all I heard from the whole class. Looking up my jaw dropped. The shards of the glass were frozen in some sort of jelly substance floating mid air. I walked towards the substance in curiosity, itching to touch it.

"Mia. Stop! I don't know what that is!" Mrs. Reyes yelled trying to pull me away.

"Wait." I whispered taking my arm away from her, curiosity taking away my common sense.

As I proceeded walking towards the substance, it started to move. I reached my hand out towards the water and touched the jelly substance. The substance moved with the length of my finger, parting in different directions. I took away my finger and the liquid moved towards it.

My eyes widened.

Am I controling it?

I moved my finger left and it moved left. Right, it moved right. Up. Down. I tested all of those theories. Confused, I looked at all of the gaping students rendered speechless.

"Mia. What are you doing?" Mrs. Reyes whispered in shock glancing at the water.

"I. Don't. Know." I whispered unsurely staring at the water.

I wonder.

I let my hand fall down to my side and the jelly fell with it. Turning back into water.

"Well. That was...unique. And totally unplanned." Mrs. Reyes announced to the class clapping her hands to unstun the students.


"Mia. You may go back to your seat." She said smiling and nodding towards my seat.

"Okay." I whispered walking towards my desk.

I was stunned.

What was that?


Hey Saviors. This was posted on Easter a whole ago, but I am currently editing so Merry belated Christmas. ✔

Katie Chang: Annie Huang

Grace x

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