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A Little Change.


Mia's POV:

Water was consuming my body, my soul. Every inch of my being. Waking up, I gasped for air. Drowning. All I could think about was drowning. Drowning in the depths of my mind.

I looked around my room and took in the sight of my friends scattered around the room. Kira was clutching to my side as Annie and Mary were on the other side of my room. Taking her small hands off of my arm, I slowly slid myself out of my bed.

Walking into my bathroom, I shivered. The cold tile was branding itself into my feet. I closed my door and shrugged off my clothes stepping into the warm shower. The water pelting my skin welcoming me into it's clutches. Attending to my sore, sleep ridden muscles. I rinsed myself off and got out wrapping a towel around my body.

Walking out, I noticed the girls were still sleeping. Dead to the world.

Of course.

I walked into my closet and changed into a blue, white and yellow floral patterned dress with a pair of brown sandals. Grabbing a yellow bag I smiled, happy with my outfit.

Walking back into my room, I went straight to my dresser grabbing a hair tie and tying my hair into a messy bun.

Time to wake the girls.

Smirking, I waved my hands in the evaporated air. Water accumulated onto my finger tips forming a sphere. Dividing the sphere into three, I shot them towards the girls.

Screams were heard around the room.

"Mia!" Kira yelled getting off my bed. "You are so going to get it."

Eyes widening, I shielded myself in water as she threw a sphere of fast moving wind my way. The air broke apart right as it hit the water shielding my body.

"Dammit. Annie!" Kira called. "Do something."

Annie glanced my way and shrugged getting up. Drying herself off, she formed a ball of fire. Flames reaching around her finger tips. Throwing the ball at my shield, she smiled as it came down.

"I knew that would work." She said grinning.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." I said drying myself off.

The water evaporated from my clothes at the movement of my hands.

"Girls." Genna called walking into the room.

Her eyes widened at the sight of the water on the floor, "I'm not even going to ask Mia."

"So." She said sitting on my now dry bed. "I talked to the parentals. And we agreed, after much debate, that I could take you out today instead of going to school."

"Take us out?" Annie asked confused.

"I've decided, since your eye color changed. Why not change whatever else you want. Hair, nails, anything." She said smiling. "Whoever, or whatever, did this gave you a chance to change up your looks. To try something new. So what do you say?"

"I want to." I said smiling. "What about you?"

"Yeah." Mary said smiling.

"I guess." Kira shrugged.

"I don't want to dye my hair." Annie said. "I love the black color. It goes well with the flames."

"Then don't. Paint your nails." Genna said shrugging. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

Annie nodded in relief.

"Okay. So I'll leave you girls to it. Meet me downstairs." Genna said smiling and walking out of my door.

The girls just sat there.

"Go!" I yelled ushering them into my closet.

Mary was the first one out wearing a floral dress with red sandals. Annie ran out next sporting a black flowy top accompanied with black shorts and converse. Lastly Kira came out dressed in a blue long sleeve with denim shorts and black vans.

"Finally." I said running down the steps with the girls in tow.

Genna glanced up from her phone noticing us.

"Let's hit it." She said smirking.


Hey Saviors. That's Chapter seven. I'm actually updating kind of normally now. So if I don't get anything in tomorrow that's why.

Picture on side of: Mia's outfit on the side. Look at A for dress and C for sandals.


I'm so tired. But I wanted to do something for this story, you know? I just had my first choir competition this year and we got 3rd place!!! Whoo! Let's hope next week we do well too!

Grace x

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