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Mia's POV:

Guiding a shocked Genna into the house, all I felt was nervousness. The scared kind of nervousness.

What if she was scared of me? What of she didn't want me?

Griping Kira's hand, I blew out a breath.

It's okay. It's all okay.

Genna sat on the couch looking at the water and candles scattered on her table.

"What is all of this Mia?" She asked staring at me. "And what's going on with your eyes?"

"Genna. There's no easy way to tell you this but something's happening to us. Something weird." I said.

"This morning when I woke uo my eyes were blue. This weird vibrant ocean blue that I have no idea how to explain. All I know is I didn't do it. So that's why I woke the sunglasses to conceal them so I could figure out what was going on. Oh and I figured it out all right. When I went to school I searched for the girls their eyes had changed colors too. From fiery red to earth green and swirling gray. We all had different eye colors than before." I said.

Genna's eyes widened, "How?"

"That's our question. Anyways, when I went to chem we were doing an experiment with metals and water. Testing it's change. I was the helper today which was just great. The glass beaker with the water and metal blew up and I shielded away from the shards. Well while shielding I guess a power surged through me and the water froze into this weird jelly substance. It followed my every move Genna. I had control over the water. So when we came home, by the way you should call the school because we missed like three periods."

"You what?" Genna asked cocking an eyebrow.

"Missed classes, but that's not important right now. As I was saying we got here and decided to test Kira's theory. That I can control water, which I can. We also decided to test the girls. What we've found out is that Kira can control earth, I can control water, Annie can control fire, and Mary can control air." I said concluding my speech thing.

"I-I don't understand. How is this possible?" She asked shocked.

"I don't know, but it's so cool." I said grinning. "Look."

I lifted the water out of the glass and put it on front of her. She glanced at me then touched the ball of water, gasping at the cold substance. I concentrated and changed the molecules of the water. Now a jelly type substance welcomed her.

"Ew, Mia that's disgusting." Genna groaned taking her hand away.

"But it's pretty cool. Right?" I asked nudging her shoulder.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's pretty cool." She said laughing. "You guys can do all of these things and all I do is work. I'm so old."

"You're not old, just mature." Kira said laughing.

Genna feigned hurt and threw a pillow at her laughing, "Take that back."

"I will not tell a lie." Kira said hiding behind the pillow.

"Are you guys going to stay the night? I'll call the parentals." She askes walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah!" Mary yelled running to help her.

"Thanks for being you Gen!" I yelled after her.

"Would you expect anything else." She said smiling and wrapped an arm around me.

"No. Not at all."

That night we all talked about the what ifs. The maybes. That night we dreamt of the possibilities.


Hey Saviors. So that's Chapter 6. Genna now knows what's going on with the girls. Let's just see if She's the only one that will know.

Picture on the side of: Nicola Peltz in The Last Airbender. (What it looks like)

Grace x

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