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Mia's POV:

Sighing, I unlocked the door to my dimly lit house letting the girls in. Walking straight to the living room, I groaned letting my face hit the soft cushions.

"What did you want to test Kira?" Annie asked sitting next to me, just missing my head.

"Wait. Let me get a glass of water!" She yelled running towards the kitchen, coming out moments later with a full glass of water.

She set the glass in front of me as I got up.

"What am I supposed to do with this? I'm not thirsty." I said staring at Kira in question.

"You may not be thirsty, but I want you to test my theory." She said pointing at the glass. "You control the water, am I right?"

"I mean, I guess. I'm not so sure though." I said rubbing the back of just neck.

"Well let's test it." Kira said smirking.

She tilted the glass ever so slightly, so a bit of water spilled on the wooden table.

"Move it." She whispered as if it was a secret code.

Nodding, I moved my hand slightly to the right. The water started to swivel, but stopped momentarily. Scrunching my eyebrows I tried again, fully moving the water right.

I looked over to the girls, their eyes trained on the water. Stuck in a trance of some sort.

Turning my hand in a circular motion, the water formed a sphere and spun quickly. I rose it up and let it fall back into the glass.

"That. Was. So cool." Annie said in awe. "How did you do that?"

"I have no clue, it started in Chem." I said shaking my head.

"You did do it." Mary gasped gray eyes in shock.

"Of course I did. Well I think I did. I just don't like Katy being right." I said leaning into the back of the couch.

Mary nodded understanding my answer.

"Guys I have another theory." Kira said green eyes glowing with anticipation.

"What?" I asked cocking my eyebrow.

"Well, you know how you can control water right. What if we can control things too." Kira said in excitement.

"What do you mean? Like control water?" Annie asked confused.

"No no." Kira shook her head. "Mia can control water. That's her thing."

"Wait Mia, your eyes are blue. They turned blue. Ocean blue." Mary said connecting the dots. "And Annie's look like fire."

"Mia. Does your sister still have matches from your birthday?" Kira asked me.

"Uh, Yeah. I think so. Check in the kitchen. The drawer with the knives." I told her as she ran to the kitchen.

"Why with the knives? Out of all places." Mary murmured shaking her head.

I just shrugged in response.

Coming out, Kira threw the packet of matches at me.

"Light one. Let's see if it attracts to Annie." She said glancing at Annie.

Annie looked scared. Petrified.

"Hey. Relax." I whispered grabbing her hand. "It'll be fine."

Annie nodded, glancing at the matches.

Taking in her answer, I lit the first match. The vibrant red flame flew across the top of the match lighting a fire to the room. Staring at the match, I noticed it tilting towards Annie. Attracted. Like it couldn't get away. Like the water with me.

I blew out the match and the gray smoke floated to the ceiling.

"Did you see that?" I asked. "The fire wanted to be near Annie."

Annie gasped staring at the matches, "Try again."

"Wait let me go get a candle. Preferably scented." Mary said running towards the downstairs bathroom.

Coming out of the bathroom, Mary had two candles in each hand.

"Um. Mare. Why four?" Annie asked confused.

"One for each of us. If the fire is attracted to you and water is attracted to Mia. Then something has to be attracted to us. And I want to find out what." She said placing the candles on the table.

I lit the first candle and we set to work.


Hey Saviors. I have Choir tryouts tomorrow, wish me good luck. I feel like I'm going to mess up. Badly. Plus I'm sick so it isn't going to go well.


I had tryouts. I made Charisma. I've been in charisma and it's been really nice. We've been working on our competition set and I have to say it's going pretty well.

Here's the edited version of this chapter.

Olivia Holt: Kira Reynolds.

Grace x

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