burning prophecy

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Sorry that this was such a late addition to the book I was having some serious writers block I hope you like/ love/ enjoy it!


I returned to my dreary apartment the will be my home for the next few months I hope. The apartment was an off white coloring the theme as I presume you would call it is tutor the place came furnished with every thing from an old fire place, creaky metal bed, old  kitchen with ugly green retro cabinets, a tiger rug, a TV (the types that seem to have a box attached to the back.) ect. And finally it came with a golden retriever named Tuma, yes Tuma not tuna they sound the same but aren't. I was surprisingly tired from what accrued today so I just plopped on my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was as good as out. But when you’re asleep is when you are at the clutches of your enemy; yourself.


The walls were cold the chains that held me where more so. The room was dark shadows coming from every direction. The only light came from a dim light bulb hanging from the ceiling. A chair was in the center of the room it was empty yet the belts that would’ve held the victim made it seem as if it was waiting for its next taker The air smelled of decay, and burnt flesh (burnt flesh smells like hotdogs) I presumed that it was an abandoned prison or asylum. It was like a 5 star vacation from some of the places I have been. Then I heard a distant scuffling I had a good idea who of what it was.

“Kyran! Show yourself! You will gain nothing from hiding!” I shouted

But silence.

Not a sound to be heard. But after what seemed to be hours yet only minutes a figure, no three stepped forward all dressed in a suit. Enough for me to see the color of color of their ties one the color of crimson another color of a pasture and finally the last one purple. Their faces where still covered in shadows so I couldn't get a proper identification. They all spoke at once the same word but different voices. But one I would know even if I was deaf. Kyran.

“You will be mine my love. You will not disobey me again. You will subject to me. Weather you want I or not, even if it the price of someone you love.” Their voices clear but Kyrans chilling. His voice gave me a feeling of fear and aggravation one that could sustain the sun. I wanted to respond with every muscle in my body but I couldn't speak. Than the next voice came it was soothing, gently yet serious; one that I could not remember.

“Zacorra, my love I have missed you so, you were my world my bothers as well. You came and went like the sun rising and setting it happened to fast. I will regain you once again my angel.” I all most wanted to cry I have hardly every heard word spoken like that to me not in decades have I heard it. The last voice was Dustan his is hard to miss.

“My beloved mate! You are my soul, heart, joy and love you will be mine even if I have to sacrifice myself for you I would you are my mate!” he sounded so protective and so sure of himself, but I knew if the time came he would be second guessing himself.

They took a step forward I was about to see their faces when the dream burnt up like a piece of paper on fire it disappearing.

I was now in a war torn city half burnt to the ground half in ruins, fires blazed, ash rained down from the skies bodies of humans littered the ground blood became the grass. As I walked down an abandoned main street, Wolves corpse surrounded where I walked their screams and howls still echoed in the distant. Next there was vampires some seamed as if they died fighting the wolves others flattened by a giant doughnut I assume from a doughnut shop. As I walked more and more I began to feel like this was coming closer. Not literarily but in time. I came upon a barren field there was ash at least 8 feet deep a battle field of dead demons. Their warriors probably died being drowned in their opponent’s ash or fled. I looked over the ash and saw a half of a dying demon it still had its head and torso I ran to it well ore like trudged through it like how you try to run through water only to fail or how you almost have to lift your leg up to your head when you are walking through snow. I finally made it to the demon. He lay there still alive.

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