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hi thank you all for reading and I want to say that this chapter is not proof read so plz don’t go berserk on me for miss spelling or anything else plz

"Mate" a male voice growled. The door opened with a jolt in cane an obviously angered wolf, I could tell by the way the wolf’s eyes complemented it glossy dark grey fur that it was definitely the boy form before. The wolf looked at me with pure rage and betrayal I don't know why. I wonder could it have to do with the fact he called me his mate.

He charge at me, wait no at Torva. O' crap he thinks Torva is stealing me away from him because he assumes I'm his mate. I quickly glanced at Torva and through our mind link I gave him an easy to fallow command "don't hurt the wolf only deflect his charges and make sure he doesn't hurt you. Do you comply? Brother. “ Torva replied "yes. Sister I comply."  The wolf started to attack Torva, I noticed something though. The wolf seemed much stronger than what it should be and that this wolf seemed to be able to anticipate Torvas next move. No wolf could be this smart unless. I knew I recognised him.

"Stop” I yelled, making sure that both Torva and the wolf heard me. The wolf continued to fight. Torva looked at me and in one glance I knew what he was thinking. Attack.  He sprinted at inhuman and in supernatural speed towards the wolf I heard a thump and I saw the wolf being held down in a submissive position to the ground by Torva.

 “she said stop fighting little pup. When she gives a command you will fallow it do you understand?" the wolf nodded as best he could while being held down.

"Brother can you please realise him?" he did as I commanded and the wolf looked at me with a strange emotion in his eyes hatred? No love. I looked over to see Torva in his casual clothes not his armor I nodded to him as if to say thank you. I walked over to the wolf and placed my hand on his head making him go unconscious for the time being. I looked at Torva who gave me a serious glair and saying thought out mind link

“what are you going to do with it? You know what the repercussions of having a mortal know about us are. You have gone through the pain enough,” I responded to him with a quick nod.

"Torva you are dismissed." I never really understood it but I always had an old, old accent from maybe Rome or maybe even one from the Celtic warrior race I had been a part of back when the human species was just enhancing it knowledge of the world. It gave me an almost magical way with my words as if forcing them onto the victim. Torva left in a blinding flash of black light, and I was left along in a room with a handsome unconscious wolf.

I waited a few hours for the wolf to come to, and eventually he did. The wolf shifter into his human for he was wearing a pair of jeans and a pair of blue and orange dc shoes, he had a white shirt on under a half way done up west forty nine grey jacket. His blonde hair was all messed up and to tell you the truth he wasn't bad eye candy. “I’m sorry mate for having to attack your brother. I thought he was another male trying to take you away from Me." he looked so confused and heartbroken I felt sorry for the guy even though he tried to attack one of my own. He continued "also I was wondering how he got in here without any of our guards knowing?" he looked puzzled yet calm I knew I had to answer him in the least suspicious way possible. Here are the options A) he teleported into the room (no) B) I let down my hair out the window and he climbed up the wall and came in. (close but still no) C) we are shape shifters and we can fly and that's how he got in the room. (A possibility) D) There was never any one in the room. (I wonder what might happen if I said that? lastly E) I could make a fake memory in one of the guards head making him remember that he escorted Torva to the room.  Then I tell wolf boy here that he was welcomed in and brought to this room. Ding, ding I think we have a winner.

I quickly through my mind link found a guard and inserted a ‘memory’ of him escorting Torva to the room “I’m sorry I would have thought the guard would have told you her escorted my brother in." I said still working out the kinks of the memory like finding out the guards name and so on.

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