a moment in a memory

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A moment in a memory

Alex stepped forward from what was an attacking position to a summation stance he surrenders. I realized why, he saw my wolf. The one of legends and of belief "the majestic lupus" I spat out a curse. Great that meant I would have to erase their memory, shit I hated doing that, it always left the victim feel as if they have wasted precarious time on earth.

FLASH BACK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Like this one time when I fell in love with a vampire, he was the sweetest vamp I have ever met, also he wasn't bad on the eyes either. I thought for once I could love for the rest of my life because he was immortal but I was so wrong Kyrain discovered him and he was tourcherd. The only way I could make sure he didn't die was to make a deal with the devil himself. I said I would erase his memory of my and your existence so that he may be free to do whatever he felt necessary to do in his life, and that I could no longer contact him. I took him to a beach we spent our last night together. Then I erased his memory the last words he spoke to me were "I will always love you my sweet little angel." and with that he forgot all about me.

three months after if erased his memory he fell into a deep depression he refused to eat or drink blood because he felt like he wasted the eternity that was given to him and that major part of his life was lost yet he had no idea who or what it was. One year after the erase my love committed suicide on the exact day he took me to the beach. I watched from above as his life was taken away slowly from his body and realised into the abyss of total annihilation. I was heartbroken. That is why I hate myself; I can kill without even thinking I am a monster a demon an angel of darkness.

END OF FLASH BACK----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"You may stand my fellow wolves." I said in my alpha tone almost begging them to stand so I could get this over with., I lead them to an empty part of the school where I could scene no one comes to very often. I asked them to put their right hand over their hearts and swear an oath of silence to my next words. They gladly followed my orders.

"I'm dearly sorry for bringing you all into this mess. I only wish for you to carry on your lives as you did before you discovered me." Alex looked confused so did some others in the group. But within a minute they all agreed" I placed my hand on the forehead of one of the wolves he looked stunned but when I started my chant he quickly relaxed. "Oblivisci quid sis, mox paenitet memento nihil et meam vobis carus salvus vos erit tamen corrumpetur."(Forget what you will soon regret remember nothing and you my dear. you will be saved yet destroyed.) I told that to every single one of them until I came to the last one who was Alex I told him to tell his alpha about the rouge, and that she was worthless and could not be any harm to the pack. he accepted my orders and I told him the same word I said to the other 'to forget what he will soon regret' he will regret meeting me I cause nothing but death and agony. Each one lay at a funny angle asleep. They would wake up any minute so I ported to my apartment and called the school saying I left the primacies because I had an appointment with a doctor. Somehow the women on the other end of the line totally bought what I said. It was almost like I used my charm speak ability on her ;) (Evil laugh)

I decided tonight would be a spectacular night to go out on the town and maybe catch a snack who knows maybe these people taste better than the other ones I have been feeding off of from Ottawa. The only problem is I don't know why I do it; I have never had to feed on blood. But when I do drink, I feel great doing it like a sensation of the hunt or the way you feel after a good night's sleep. But doing so I am sometimes caught and have to kill my victim or erase the memory. The blood tempts me and I fall for it I guess I really am no better than my brother.

the streets were empty not a soul was stirring. I wonder if it had to do with the day hour or even the immortal activity going on here. could the humans be so scared to leave their houses at night because of the vampires, werewolves, demons and all the other things that go bump in the night? i came to a lonely school yard with a steal swing creaking in the slightest wind.  I walked over to the sandbox where I could obviously some one had to go #2 and ended up making a public toilet for themselves I left the play yard an ventured down the streets once more pondering to myself  I crossed Codwell Street and was heading to the nearest Tim Horton's when I heard low voices whispering. I immediately was put on alert. My mind processed the area. my thermal visions wasn't picking up any angels, werewolves or even humans which was really strange shouldn't mortals alike be wondering at night in search for a good time or even a little action? I guess not. But then from the shadows emerged three figures one seemed like female and the others male great another fight.

"Well boy's looks like we have us another vamp in town." the female voice said in a harsh tone. "Let's See if she can handle the welcoming party." she spat those words like they where poison. The two males snickered at her pathetic excuse for trying to sound bad ass. but anyways they started towards me, I knew they wanted a fight  and I was happy to give one to them. Until I stopped to listen, I heard growling and I could feel the heart beats of about six or seven large animals coming and by the sounds of the howls the dogs were out for immortal vamp blood. And I was now in the middle of it. Crap not again all I wanted was a little time from a wolf but no karma just had to catch up to me god damn it. the growleing grew closer and closer until I heard a prestine husky voice.

''I see the rouge wants a fight.'' I assumed he was talking to me. I looked behind me and I really had to give this guy creatit were it was diserved. Alex stood behind me with a blood thirsty grin on his face great her we go f*cking again. I sighed

THX for reading post comment also that pic is of kyrain ===========>

no song sorry their will be one next chapter i think

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