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i'm so sorry that I've not updated in over three months! but i'm back so here we go.

I couldn’t think straight. “Kyrain…”I said in a hush tone gazing down into my dark tea.

“Yes, he taught me the ins and outs of becoming a vamp, he also taught me never to trust anything not time nor destiny. He always said time will always keep moving so you will never be able to truly trust it, and he said that destiny is like a curse yet a desired blessing one only fate can control. To this day we have no clue what he meant by that.” She spoke as if she had never truly seen his true colors and that she truly thought he was ‘good’.

“What about you troy did Kyrain teach you as well?” he nodded. Then spoke in a hush tone.

“He killed my sire… but he said it was all in the name of destiny. My destiny. Our fate.” He squished lily’s hand ageist his and continued. “He cut her throat the moment I became a full vampire he also said that she was weak compared to me and that I should feast on her blood to grow stronger.” ‘Of course he made him drink her blood it makes the vampire twice as strong once the fledgling drinks from their master.’ I placed my cup on the ledge of the window directly behind me and bowed my head in respect.

“Thank you so much for your hospitality you are truly marvellous hosts.” I grinned and started for the door.

“Wait!” lily cried, “you haven’t old us what you are or anything. Please we’re curious, and I have a proposal for you.” I listened carefully. “I saw how yours eyes lit up at the mention of Nico.” She paused. “I know how to contact him.” My heart stopped how did she know how to contact him? How? He died about 75 years ago. I started to feel shaky my mind was on overdrive. “are you ok?” she asked patting my back I shooed her hand away. I felt like I could have my old life back if I had Nico by my side, he loved me and I to him as well.

“Yes I’m fine.”  I paused to catch my breath. “So what the deal again?” I asked.

“You tell us what you are and how old you are and I give you his address.”

“ok then.” I sat on the couch and started the torture I call my life. ““I’ll start with the creation of the world; there where to elements in the beginning that were always there; Space and time. They were known as the first ones their names where Espazioa (space) and Denbora (time). They tried and tried to create a world together but they failed only being able to create their elements so they made a blood pack the strongest in history saying that once all the other elements are created that they will parish leaving it all to their successors who would also inherited their power. So using the blood oath and dark forbidden magic they conspired the first two; Fate and Destiny. The two new elements were deemed “mates” if that’s what werewolves call it. where each promised half of their parent’s power, once the other elements were created. ; life and death Torva (death) and Animula (life) they were promised no power from their sires. The next were earth (Lurra) air (Zark) nothing was promised to them. Nether to the last two elements fire (fuoco) and water (Lympha).  After the process of creating the elements was complete our sires died. Not in a peaceful way but a gruesome one. My mother Espazioa fell to her knees and her father Denbora ran over to her to help her to her feet but he also feel.

“wait you said ‘my mother’ are you saying you’re an element?” lily askedastonidhed by the truth I was saying.

“yes I am destiny and Kyrain is fate. “ I continued.  “ I could feel their pain through my soul connection and mind link as well it felt as if fire was racing through my vines and that I was being burned from the inside out a sharp pain filled my gut as if someone was forcing an unsharpened dagger through my  belly. To sum up what it felt like in a sweet and simple way try imagining the most excruciation pain you have ever felt, add on menstrual cramps people yelling at you, a massive head ach and feeling like you are being ripped apart from the inside out. It hurts like a bit… hell or so I am told. All I know when that was happing is that it was the same for my other brothers and sisters where facing. my parent did as well but on a whole other scalethey had become weak from creating all of them and giving fate and me their powers. They exploded.  guts, blood, brain material, and other internals flying everywhere and a surge of strength filled both Fate and my bodies we were the most powerful creatures in existence. But it did come at the price of death and pain…  I won’t boar you with anything else so  let me skip the part about them making the place we now call earth. it’s a little detour of my life but its worth it I think.” Lily nodde3d as if to go on.  “ the creation of heaven, hell and the human race/ monsters, demons ,vamps and  werewolves. okay so heaven is not all that it’s cracked up to be it’s a place in a subcutaneous dimension that souls/ spirits travel to after their time is complete on the earth. It is where they can finally have peace,   and wait to be reincarnated into another form example frog, plant, human, tree … Ok so here is where the humans come in. so me and fate have been happy and have been in love and I decided that the world was getting lonely and I created a primitive man so I could watch it evolve into what it is to say. Fate was furious because he wanted the elements to be the only creatures on earth. So he devised a plan that he could create a predator that would kill all the humans on the planet; he made the vampires, demon, and other creatures of the night. He orders them to destroy my beloved creations. But during that time he subdued women here and there and making them bare his demigod demons. Once I found out what he was doing I was heartbroken and I ran away from him and swore that she would seek revenge for his auditory. I made myself appear mortal to everyone even other elements. It worked so well that Torva stood right beside me and swore I was mortal. It was like this for about a hundred years until Fate became restless and wanted her back, I never returned to him. Because during the hundred years I had fallen in love with a mortal a human. I made it seem as if only months where passing to him instead of years so I could be with him for ever. Unfortunately forever never seems to last.

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