Torva Messorem

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Sorry if this chapter goes ageist anything you believe or think I’m sorry I just let my imagination go free on this one also no proof reading done. Pic to the side is of Torva Messorem!

I awoke in a light baby blue room in a soft quilt covered king sized bed. The room was huge it had a desk off to the right that looked like it was mad of old and I mean really old oak, there was a beautiful tapestry hung from the wall it looked like it was own completely y hand. The colors in the work of art where breath taking, I never knew humans could make something so mesmerising. I carried on with my viewing of the room. It had a huge closet with close and shoes holy sh*t there is enough close here to cover half of the United States. I examined the other spots of the room like the bathroom which was pretty much the size of an average room. There was a Jacuzzi bath tub and there was even a steam room. Wow this place is like a five star supernatural hotel. It’s bloody amazing!  I laid on the bed trying to contact my brother Torva Messorem the elementor of death.  He is the “grim reaper” or “death” I never really understood why pathetic humans came up with stupid names for us it’s just … ugh never mind. But I hope Torva gets my message. I sat there finding my location and accessing the internet with my thoughts to find the owner of the lot 483811434 Carlton Place Ontario, I was deep into my research when I heard static in the air knowing that someone was teleporting.  A flash filled the room and there admits the glow stood my little brother. He had dark black hair and with dark chocolate eyes that made you want to stare at them forever. But that how he makes his victims not struggle. He wore a black combat shirt with a white tank top underneath also he had dark jeans and some element skater shoes  with a skull and cross bone necklace  to top his bad boy look off. I arose from the bed staring him deeply in the eyes. Reading his mind (I saw him standing in a pale white room with his shield and scythe at ready. He had his black corsint armor on. Wait he is not wearing the armor I gave him for what the humans call Christmas darn I spent a lot of time making him it. He then teleported to a human battle field, where lay a hundreds of dead bodies most looked like women and children he looked to the horizon and saw bullets being fired and bombs exploding, through his memory I could fell his pain and his hate for man who do this. Fight for a stupid reason and kill innocents to get to their so called goal. He went up to each corps and placed his hand on its head saying his farewells to the poor victim that had suffered through this torture he then swallowed the essence of soul  sending it to a peaceful after life in “heaven” or “hell” depending on the deeds of the person who used to live. Torva came up to a child no younger than 7 I placed his hands on the head of the child and suddenly retracted in shock. The child was alive and had felt his touch of coldness and despair.  The little child had long black hair and hazel eyes. I assumed it was a girl; she looked into his eyes and cried softly he held out his hand offering her a choice to live in a dangerous and cruel world or come with him and be peaceful. She reached for his hand and collapsed. She laid there in a trance, Torva brought her into his arms and rocked the child for what seemed like only a second but in reality was much longer. He placed her down on the cold muddy ground that was drenched in blood. Torva raised his weapon and sliced the girls that so that she would die quickly and silently. He then summoned a flame to his hand and burned the girl so she could have a semi burial. He raised his weapon again and ….. Blackness I lost the image. Torva hadn’t wanted me to see what he was doing what he had done. He knew it was cruel and that it could be called inhumane but that was what his power is and always will be to make death come to those whose time has come. May that be early or late?  Everything must die eventually the question is not if it is when and that is what he hated. Torva turned to me and took me into and embrace (hug) I could hear his thought and emotions, he was sad and he just needed a person who understood. Someone who felt his pain 10 times worse someone likes me.

“It’s alright my young brother you decided the deed any of us would have done. The child saw too much and it was her time to pass and enter to a more peaceful existence.” I said softly whispering into his ear. He let out a little sigh, and he looked me straight into my deep hypnotic green eyes. And he smiled for the first time in over 100 years.

“I know my dear sister, and I thank you so much for that. I felt so discussed my deed that I reincarnated her into a dove because she was so peaceful and fragile yet she was strong, I could feel her soul. She was a fighter that’s why she was alive that’s why I hadn’t just killed like all the others I actually knew if she had not died like that she would have made a difference that could have changed many lives. But her road ended before she had the chance to complete her destiny.” He sounded heartbroken yet he seemed almost like he wanted to watch her live and grow up like and actually make a difference but he couldn’t save the dead or the living all he could do was watch as the carried on or died in a terrible way. In some ways I envied him, he always got to end the situation with a snap of his figures but I had to choose who what where why when and how they died, lived, did and even how they were to live their life like are they a terrorist a doctor, bus driver, mugger or even an alpha of a pack it all rested on my shoulders I chose how it would affect the world how it could threaten it. On top of all that I had a crazed ex-lover who also is and elementor trying to kill or subdue me into loving him. He is the reason the first second and Spartan war started. Another thing is I had to oversee all of the other elements ability’s when they were unavailable with other problems I had to kill mas’ amounts of people command oceans to destroy cities and villages and make humans do unspeakable things. Why did I ever create them it was my entire fault why did I mess with the fabric of the universe and create all of these demons and monsters like vampires, werewolves, trolls, fairies and even those pathetic humans! I would trade power with any of them in a nano second. I looked into his eyes and kissed him on the cheek knowing he needed someone.

“Sister I’m sorry for displaying weakness and pain. I know you deal with the most out of all of us and I should be strong.” He turned to face the wall his head hung in shame of him knowing that he displayed weakness in his duty. Also knowing I face ten times more pain suffering and hard ship, and that is if I don’t crack neither should he.

“my dear Torva I  know what your emotions say but we can’t have them or show them because it will prove we are no better than them and we will end up lost like we were so many years ago.” I said it with a straight serious and stern face knowing that I needed to fallow my own advice as well as he does. I turned my head to the oak door near the left of the room by the window I could hear someone or thing coming and I were ready for whatever it is. Brother also heard it and stood at a battle stance to my right and with a bright light he transformed into his black armor, with his deadly scythe. I didn’t move know if what came through that door was hostile it would be dust as soon as it blinked.

“If I say stand down my brother, will you do as I say?” I asked feeling the presence of the being that was coming was friendly.  I looked to Torva he nodded in understanding and we watched as the door knob turned slowly revealing a figure I had not expected. One that I thought had left me behind one that knew I was not his. One that said I was his …..

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