Tevrede, I'm sorry

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Well if I tell you, you must take my secret to the grave” he glared at me with deathly cold eyes. The light above us flickered.

“I will keep it till I am long past my time and dead as a doornail”

“Alright than; Welcome to my world now bud. You just gave yourself a one way ticket to a painful existence because I am in fact an element. Do you know which one though?” he nodded.

“You my love are Destiny.”

I could feel a smirk brake through my mask I call a face. I rose from my chair and brought my hands together. I slowly started to clap. I closed my eyes and bowed my head in respects to the little pups’ intelligence if that’s what you would call it. “You my ‘love’ has guessed right and for that I am truly sorry.” He was never meant to figure it out he was never meant to be told but he did this had only ever happened once a long time ago.

“Dustan I have something that you must know”

“What is it my love?” should I tell him? Should I not?

“Okay, Dustan you aren’t the first person and by person I mean mortal to figure out my true self,” gulped hard. This was going to take a lot of will power to tell. “I told one of my late lovers my secret. Once.” I heard him growled at the thought of me being another’s. “here’s the flash back long ago Maybe even centuries ago, I fell in love with a beautifully handsome man named Nico Nightstream  he had the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen, in his time he was consider a rebel and I loved him for it. He gave me a scene of belonging and rebelliousness that no one has made me feel or ever will for that matter. I loved him like I loved no other he was the one who I would give my immortality to spend only a second more with. He suffered greatly through hell fire by my… I can’t even consider him part of me…  Kyrain. He transformed him into a demon of the night a vampire twice? I don’t know why I assume it is because it didn’t work because of my protection on his heart but anyways he stowed him away from me so that I could break and suffer like he loves to see me do. (On rare occasions) after fifty years of battle and feud I won him back but Kyrain had broken him but he still loved me and told me that I was the one thought that kept him going. Another fifty years had passed and Kyrain returned but with even more vengeance, because during that time I had conceived a child that was not of his black blood, But of Nico’s. The child was a little baby girl strong and proud. We named her Tevrede which mean satisfied.  She was a mix of vampire and whatever I am an elemental. She had the powers of me but the weakness of having to drink blood. Also she could go out in the sun. (Whoever came up with the idea that vamps hate the sun was an idiot! The only hold back from being a vampire is; having to drink blood to keep sane, nothing else.) Tevrede grew up happy and content.  Years later when she was only 16 teen (29 human years) she was kidnapped. Kyrain finally found her and my family. He told us to come to the top of the mountain humans now call Mt. Everest. We both transported there too find our little girl tied to a table with a bunch of torcher machines on another table to the left. She was bleeding and had scares that were already healed and disappearing from the weapons. Nico ran over to her only to discover that she was not Tevrede and that it was one of Kyrain’s demons instead. It wrapped his hands around his neck and threatened to break it if I attacked. Then a beam of light appeared and the demon was gone along with my lover and part of my heart.  I searched the earth trying to find them and finally I did in an old valley near the Pacific Ocean. They were on a mountain top both cadged like dogs. To the side of the cage stood my worst fear and only weakness; Kyrain.  He had a knife in one hand I knew what he was doing. He grabbed Tevrede out of the cage and held her out for me to see; she was crying and scared not knowing what was happening or how to deal with it.

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