past, preasent and future

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Jealous I looked behind me and their stood a god of a man. And trust me I have seen a lot of hunky scrumptious men in my cruel immortal life to know when I see good eye candy. He had shimmering blonde hair with what looked like brown highlights. His stunning green eyes caught me off guard; it almost reminded me of something I knew was bound to happen. I scanned him over again he looked like he had at the very least a six pack under his white baseball shirt with his black and orange sweater he wore faded dark jeans. What could I say? If I was mortal I would be all over him. But I’m not.  The masterpiece of a guy stepped closer to me then looked at Alex with a death stair. He spoke in a low soothing tone that reminded me of a river flowing under a bridge; it was soothing and calm yet you could hear that it wanted to get angry because of all the rock in its way.

“Alex step away from my mate NOW!!!” he put all of his alpha tone into his words almost making me wants to take a step back. Alex glared at me with disgust and sorrow. I felt sorry for him; he wouldn’t ever truly know my power. Well poor him. It finally hit what the hunk of a man said. I looked shocked and confused. How could I be his mate when I’m not even a wolf let alone mortal? How could this happen he couldn’t have felt anything towards me unless… no it can’t be.

“What is your name?” he turned his attention from Alex to me. He looked at me with love and pride in his eyes. But I knew he would be heart broken when I tell him I’m not his true mate. “I said what is your name and I expect an answer even from my mate. Now what is your name love?” he spoke soothingly to me like I was in a beautiful dream, the ones I never have anymore. I looked into his eyes and read his mind she looks ecxacly like her mabey she is her sister or even daughter… it cant be she is a wolf not a vampire she can lve that long whithout changing. Its immpossible. She has to be a wolf I cant be wrong I cant love another being ither that a wolf. His head was spinning and saying the same things over and over again he reamembererd but chooses not to think its possible my next move will have to be straght to the point to say who I was.

“I cannot say my name for knowing it will cause all of you to enter a world of destruction and suffering. But you remember it don’t you little pup? ” I saw the horror in his eyes yet there was some thankfulness in their too I wonder why? I was too busy focusing on him I hadn’t realized I was being attacked and when I reacted I was hit by a stupid sleek dark blue Camaro. Shit that hurt like hell, but I got up and brushed the dirt off my jacket and tried to find the car but my head was spinning then again I was hit over and over I think I counter 17 times. I didn’t scream or flinch all I knew is when I got back up that they would think I’m a monster and I would have to kill them all or erase their memories of the event. The boy who said I was his mate came running towards me he laid there with my head on his lap I could hear the agony in his voice when he demanded that Alex kill the ones responsibly human or not. I awoke with a start I was still in the guy’s lap but I could hear screaming and yelling of panic I knew why; Alex had kill the driver and passengers who were the vamps from earlier I assumed that humans saw and were going to be taken in for some deep undercover talk and a contract saying that they will give then X amount for keeping their mouths shut. I've seen it about a million time s but the hardest time contract was when a billionaire cops saw them it almost broke the bank to get him to shut up. I arose from the guy’s lap he stood up and backed up slowly. I looked at him I wanted to say get back before I teleported so he wouldn’t end up where I was going but before I had the energy to go I had a something hard smack the back of my head. After that all I saw was black encasing me in coldness.


I was standing on the edge of a cliff that was looking out onto balling ocean waves hitting the sharp boulders below, the air smelled of salt and sea weed. I turned around and saw a troubling sight. Three men were standing in front of me they all wore dark suites wearing different colored ties. one to the far right wore one stained the color of blood I recognised him immidal immidiatly he was the one I hated yet earned for  most the one who broke and mended my heart only to brake it again Kyrain. The man in the middle with the field green tie. I could tell was a vampire by the way his skin eyes looked, they were deep blue and had an essence of rebel and depression in them. He looked like a past love with his dark jet black hair and high cheek bones I fell in love with his style immidilty. I finally glanced over to the one who said the most devastating words of my life “mate” he wore a purple tie with what looked like little spirals in it that glistened in the sunlight. They all put their right hand out to me. I realised I would have to choose, between past, present and future. I felt compelled to each of them yet I couldn’t choose it was tarring me apart I felt hollow and crushed I turned facing the sea looking for comfort I I was standing on the edge of a cliff that was looking out onto bailing ocean, waves hitting the sharp boulders below, the air smelled of salt and sea weed. I turned around and saw a troubling sight. Three men were standing in front of me they all wore dark suites wearing different colored ties. when they each put their hand out as if saying with the gesture choose me. I knew deep down I could pick neither from my past with Kyrain my future with the dreaded worded or I assumed the future with the rebel and the one who said mate was present. I turned to face the sea looking for comfort and an answer and I received it. I jumped towards the ocean, the waves calling my name Zacorra, Zacorra, Zacorra I listened and fell towards them thinking I was finally choosing correctly.


Thx for reading sorry it took so long to update pic is of the unknown man in the white tie played by Adam lambert bailsong sung by rivermaya.  Plz vote and comment I need 2 comments and 4 votes to write next chapter.

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