The Immortal Elements

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Chapter one dreams not worth keeping

10 years later

Surrounded by darkness incised by fear I laid there on a metal table with my wrist and ankles bound the only light came from the hospital light that was directly over head of me. my long black hair was in knots and my beautiful face felt like it was severely bruised I could only see out of one eye, but the room was quiet I was sure I was alone until from the shadows arose my deepest fear him. It was him my ex-love the one who betrayed me, the one who abused me and most of all killed me. His high cheek bones and electric blue eyes made his shaggy blonde hair seam to glisten in the bright light I admit it he was handsome but that's how he lours his victims, that's how I died. He wore blue jeans and a black element shirt with the word "forever" written in white. A smile came onto his face was he amused at how I felt? I couldn't tell. He took a step towards the table he starred into my green eyes a smile still plastered on his gorgeous face my ears rang with the sound of his blood flowing freely through his veins. I wished for some, I wanted to drain him of his life and soul. But there was a price to every wish and we both knew that too well. He was ready to speak but before he could he took another step towards me he leaned down to kiss my neck, his blood was taunting me and he knew. It he placed his cold lips on my pale sweaty skin. I felt sparks and pleasure come with it, yet I also felt pain for I knew he did this so long ago and I paid for I turned my head so he could not kiss me again. He raised his hand pain spread from where his slapped me in my cheek to the rest of my body I didn't flitch when he hit me again I only looked into his eyes with pure hate.

"Hello my darling twin sister long times no see." his voice was like honey it was sweet and it clung to everything that heard it and even though it was so good you always knew it had a stinger at the other end. I responded was hate and discussed in my words.

"Well well well is it not the coward I haven't seen you since our battle of the stones. How long ago was it o ya it was 500 hundred years ago."I knew it was snobbish but after what he did he dissevered it tenfold.

"I wouldn't exactly call me a coward my dear twin sister don't you remember how you also fled to save your other beloved?" an evil rose from this eyes he had my weakness in his sights no no I wouldn't let him take me not again.

"I fled because your minions had a dagger to his throat and you instructed them to kill him if I didn't surrender before you did am I not correct my love?'' My tone was clearly giving away sorrow and despair.

"Yes indeed my love I had him killed any way like I did to all you love." he leaned closer trying to kiss me again I resisted. He slapped me again countless times till he held my neck and sunk his teeth into it and started to drink my life and soul away from me like he did so long ago....

I awoke with a scream and in a cold sweat. It was only a dream it was only a dream I kept on thinking to myself. It was all too real for me not to think it was not a vision of the future. With that thought I was frightened what will occur that will make me face him. I hadn't realized it but gold tears where streaming down my face I was scared and for the first time in about 100 years unsure what I should do. But at the least until the time for me to meet my brother Kyrain I could live a normal life as a human so I could avoid detection from his and his monsters. I teleported to an abandoned staples that I knew still had some supplies in it. After I was done "shopping" I decided staying in Ottawa was a bad idea, because if you stay in one place to long they start to wonder why you never aged or never see your parents but that a price to pay for being an immortal element forced to live a life of solitude and of constant death and pain. I left my apartment on the west side of the Ottawa River to the nearest newspaper stand in search for a place for me to settle down for a bit while the time comes closer and closer to face him. On the newspaper the front page was about a natural disaster (earthquake) in Guinea. I knew terra a sister of mine who was in charge of the earth and ground had caused it she always hated causing disaster but I told her to so the humans would not think anything suspicious. I look through the paper an article caught my eye it was about a lilac festival in Beckwith Township I was immediately entreated by it so I decided to buy an apartment there and attend a high school also.

I left the next morning and enrolled at the Carlton Place High School as a grade 11 student even though I could have changed my appearance to make me look like I was in grade 9,8,12 or even a teacher but I decided agents it because I didn't want to be here parentally so my plan was lay low and keep out of sight and lead a somewhat human life while trying to save the world and keep it from going into cause and most important to not fall in love because that would mean immediate doom for me.

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