Dreaded words

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                                                                                                                                                          I waited for someone to make the first move. It seemed to take longer in my head then in reality, and then I sensed move souls approaching me. They were close yet still out of eye, ear and smell range for mortals and monsters alike. I heard my ground slowly turning around to see an unforgettable face, Alex and Sarah's gang in wolf form. Shit I'm really have bad luck today with running into people I don't want to see. I read Alex's' mind, I could also hear him talking through mind link he said in a low growl. I don't know who the hell she is but she smells bad. Great always with the smell what is it with me and odor? I heard Sarah talk she smells like a sucker yet like a wolf. Do you think we should keep her here until the alpha gets her? Or should me kill her and get this confusion over with? She was waiting for orders. That's the one thing I love about wolves they can hardly think on their own. They always need orders to follow or they will what seems to me wither away into a dangerous and murderous rouge. I laughed at the thought. I heard another wolf speak to Alex the voice sounded like a mix between Justin Beiber and Liam Payne's voice why is she looking at us like that beta? Also I think we should just leave it. I hated being called an "it". It drove me crazy I'm a person not and it if anything I was a thing not a damn it.

"Hey you guys made up your mind yet I sort of want to get home. Because I'm not the prettiest thing in the morning, when I get to school without any sleep." I tried to sound bored but it just came out like I was annoyed. But I guess it's better than sounding scared to death which I wasn't. Alex shifted into human for I was surprised her was wearing navy blue sweat pants with an orange sweater that said bears on it. I assumed it was from the sports teams at school. He looked at me straight on.

            "Well dirt ball, we'll know once our alpha comes and decides what to do with your ragged, ugly, disturbed body.when he comes you little peice of trash you will surrender to him, got it?" really he came up with the same nick name, o come on show some creativity buddy. couldn't have you used the three brain cells in your brain that aren't mentally thinking of girls in towels dancing and come up with a good nick name. Also I will bow or surrender to anyone and definutly not his alpha who ever it is.

            "i will not surrender bow or kisss his shoes. and why do yoy inssist on calling me things i'm not like ugly? becaue I see it in your eyes, you want me and your just upset because your alpha will try and kill me before you can have me. am I not right Alex?  " I walked away from him I had a smirk on my face. And I didn't even have to read his mind or look at him for that matter to know he was pissed and ready to take me to shreds. And that what I want a good fight, a little entertainment for me would be nice but if not I'll just have to watch them kill the vamps that where restrained by the other wolves. A figure jumped in front of me I almost flinched but I knew who it was: Alex trying to start a god damn argument to keep me busy until his stupid aragent alpha came.

            "You little bitch how dare you talk about our alpha like that and I would never want you let alone look at your disgusting little piece of ..." I cut him off their,

            "Keep talking big boy its funny when you use big words to keep me distracted while other wolves creep up from behind and try to restrain me so I can wait to be disposed of by you so called alpha." I ruined his plan of keeping me distracted so he could capture me and most likely try and kill me. The look on his face was priceless, he just stood there with his mouth open and eyes squinted like deranged idiot.

            "How the hell did you know that you were watching me the whole frikin time, I guess you are a demon then." he charged at me in his wolf form, I was ready fight. He lunged at me scraping my chest and face while trying to bite into my neck. I grabbed the scruff of his neck and used a pressure point to make him shift back into his human form. He looked dazed and confused but mostly scared. But he still charged at me again this time in his human form. I dodged his attack and made him go behind me then I smelt something it was sweet and powerful like the call of the doughnut to homer Simpson. I snapped out of my deranged little world and back into reality. Alex stood there breathing heavily while I hadn't even broken a sweat. I lunged at him this time grabbing the hood of the jacket and throwing to the ground. I waited a few moments before continuing my assault. Alex laid their motionless until I heard him curse, I knew he would be alright. He ran towards me I put him in a head lock. my hands on either side of his head ready to twist and snap his neck like twig but I smelt the fragrance again it was beautiful then my logic in my head told me to come back to finish the job that was at hand and when I did I heard a voice about seven feet away scream "get her." I dropped Alex on the ground and started to run but before I could turn around wolves attacked me with superhuman speed I was tackled to the ground, I heard a thump I assumed it was my head I got up and looked around the vampires and werewolves looked at me with pure fear and disgust except for one werewolf who looked at me with lust in his eyes he finally spoke the words I dreaded for any mouth. “Mate!"


Sorry no proof reading done also pic is sarah she is played jennifer humphrey. video (I will not bow~Breaking Benjamin ) ya lets go Zacorra you kicked Alex's butt!

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