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I crossed one leg over the other and brought the tea cup up to my lips. I sat in the corner of the room by myself. The others asked me to stay during their club hours, and I sort of felt like I had to. They decorated this room because of me after all. 

"Are you doing okay, Kofuyu?" Fujioka asked as she approached. "Do you need anything else? I'm sure Honey-senpai would be more than willing to share some cake with you." 

"No, I'm okay," I declined.  She left me alone again, and I brought the tea cup up to my lips again and took another slow sip. The tea they served wasn't half bad. A few seconds after Fujioka left, another one of the hosts sat down across from me. Ootori Kyoya, the one who "knows everything". 

"Are you enjoying yourself, Kofuyu?" Ootori asked spoke in a false cheery tone. 

"Eh, it's alright," I replied with a small shrug. He stared at me for a few seconds, but I didn't meet his gaze. "Do you think the others would be offended if I left now?" I whispered to him. He didn't seem as... caring or emotional as the other guys did. 

"Offended? No. Upset? Most likely," he answered. I groaned and leaned back into my chair. My eyes drifted towards the over-eager blond and the two twins. They were both doing their own thing within different groups of girls. 

Although they were so popular, I really didn't get the appeal. The twins act was a little disturbing, and Suoh's was painfully fake and a little cheesy, if I had to be honest. The host club is definitely not something I'm interested in. 

I let out a soft sigh and leaned forward. With my elbow in the table and my head in my hand, I began to zone out without even meaning to. 

Aunt Tomiko is probably wondering where I am. It was her day off, so she's probably either sleeping or sitting on the couch. Maybe I should just leave and spend time with her instead. 

I moved my gaze back to Ootori only to see he was already looking at me. Yeah, like that's not adding onto his list of creepy. 

"I think I'm gonna get going now," I sighed and picked up my bag. It was sitting on the floor beside my feet, so I pulled the strap over my shoulder.

"Before you do, I'd like to discuss our situation with Haruhi," he stopped me. He pushed his glasses further up the bridge of his nose before continuing. "I'd just like to remind you that-" 

"Yeah, yeah, no one's supposed to know, and you 'know everything', right?" I asked as I stood up. "You were going to make some vaguely threatening remark, were you? Something just to keep me quiet." 

Ootori didn't say anything. He watched as I smoothed out my sweater and took one more glance around the room. 

"I know I'm right. This isn't my first rodeo, and frankly, I don't care enough about this club to try and ruin it with that little secret," I admitted. I pretended not to notice the small smirk on his face. "Nice talk!" I went towards the front door, and thankfully, the other host club members didn't notice. 


When I got home, Aunt Tomiko was sitting on the couch in a lazy limp position. She smiled at my arrival and watched as I stepped in and removed my shoes. 

"Hey, Auntie. I would've been here earlier, but I got caught up with some classmates," I explained and sat beside her. 

"Oooh, friends? You made some friends?" She got way too excited. 

"Ehh... more like they're Fujioka's friends," I shrugged. "I barely just met them. Plus, they're rich kids, and I don't know, they're just a lot to handle." 

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