That gut feeling

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Bruce's POV

"Selina I- I'll talk to you later."

Without hearing what she said next, I hung up, sliding my phone down into my pocket as I watched the boys and Stephanie walk through the batcave entrance up into the main house.

Jason immediately stormed off, tossing his helmet onto a nearby couch. Tim tried to follow him and both walked around the corner before I could say anything.

Dick just sighed and rubbed his face before giving me a slight smile. "Hey, Bruce. Done with patrol."

He yawned, and stretched as Stephanie walked past him, giving me a more genuine smile.

I smiled back then looked around. "Is Damian still in the cave?" I raised an eyebrow with both of them just stopped, looking at each other oddly.

My heart skipped a beat. "Dick, where's my son?" I wasn't necessarily this worried about him. I knew without a doubt he could take care of himself, but the looks I just got unsettled my stomach.

Stephanie walked closer to me, clicking her tongue before speaking. "He's fine, Bruce, he just didn't go on patrol." I raised my eyebrow more.

Okay, now I'm concerned.

"Why not? He's not grounded and even then he wouldn't miss a portal." I placed my hands on my hips, ignoring the buzzing of my phone which was most likely Selina trying to call me back.

Dick rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, um, he just needed some rest. He had a pretty rough day."

I relaxed a little, but I was still unsure about all of this. That really wasn't like Damian at all.

"Okay. Well, goodnight then." I sighed before leaning back against one of the armchairs.

They both nodded and said goodnight before disappearing upstairs.

Tonight had been too long and I was exhausted, but I felt the need to check on Damian anyway.

After a moment, I pushed myself off the chair and headed towards the stairs then to Damian's room.

The house was already quiet except for some hushed talking coming from Jason's room.

I stopped for a moment, just listening to make sure I didn't need to worry about another person in this house.

I could hear Jason's voice and was that Tim's? I shrugged and shook my head. "They're fine."

I didn't hear yelling or someone being slammed against a wall, so I decided to just keep heading down the hall.

When I finally made it to Damian's room, I lifted my hand to knock then hesitated. If he really was resting, I didn't want to wake him.

I also didn't want to be attacked if I startled him.

I need to go in though...i've just gotta do it.

I took a slow, deep breath before turning the handle and opening the door.

The room was dark except for the moonlight peering through the windows on the opposite side of the room. It was quiet too.

When I saw the small mound on the bed, I started to walk over, keeping my steps as light as possible.

Black hair was sticking out just above the blanket and I finally heard soft, steady breathing.

I just stood there a moment, listening and watching. I guess he really was okay and just needed some rest.

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