Impetuous Determination

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Jon's POV

"Ah, Dami, stop!" I gasped out, holding back my forced laughter as he poked my side.

I swatted his hand away playfully, leaning away from him and back against the headboard of his bed.

"You're ticklish." He just grinned before moving in front of me, grabbing my hips and in one quick motion, he pulled me down onto my back.

I realized quickly, it wasn't a question, but a statement and gulped, pulling an innocent look. "Huh? No."

His grin just got bigger and my eyebrows widened as I wiggled underneath him. "No. Dami, no." I knew what he was thinking and held my hands up in a very ineffective way to shield myself.

"Don't do what, beloved? This?" Suddenly, his hands were on my sides, tickling me as his legs held mine down, keeping me trapped under him.

I squealed out, feeling my cheeks heat up as I tried to stop him. I huffed out in between my laughs, trying my best, but failing, to glare at him.

It wasn't very effective.

"Dami!" My back arched up when he found that a particular spot on my waist was much more sensitive.

His eyes widened only momentarily and I could see the plan formulating in his head before he looked at me, smirking deviously.

Oh no.

He lifted my shirt up and I tilted my head in confusion before my eyes widened as he brought his mouth down, blowing a raspberry into the sensitive skin.

My breath hitched as I squirmed under him, laughing hard enough that my eyes were watering, causing tears to roll down my cheeks. "S-stop!"

I pushed at his shoulder playfully, pushing him away from me as I caught my breath. "You...are a jerk." I was still laughing out, shaking my head and tugging my shirt down as he winked at me.

That same Devious look was still plastered on his face as he leaned down, close enough that I felt his hot breath against my face.

My breath hitched and I nibbled on my bottom lip, still huffing out just slightly as my eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

"Yes, but I'm a jerk that loves you." He knelt down and kissed my nose. Heat radiated off my cheeks as my lip popped out of my mouth.

Damian's eyes flicked down and he licked his own lips before kissing me. My arms immediately wrapped around him and so did my legs as he sat up, pulling me into his lap.

His hands found their way up into my hair and I sighed out, moaning softly into the kiss as he pulled me closer, moving his hands down to my waist.

When we pulled away both of us were grinning, immersed in each other's eyes. Blue into green. Green into blue.

I just chuckled, sighing out happily as I moved my hands to his cheeks. "I love you too, Damian. Always."


"Damian!" I screamed out in horror, watching the dagger go into his chest, causing blood to ooze out around it and creating a red puddle on his shirt.

I had no idea what to do. I was frozen in place, feeling disoriented and dazed as my heart hammered painfully in my chest.

Jason had his arms around Damian in an instant, tossing the knife to the side as he pressed a hand down onto the wound. "Oh God, Damian! Come on, stay with me."

He grabbed him up, able to react almost immediately to the situation.

Unlike me.

Time seemed to slow down and I felt weak for the first time in my life, watching helplessly as Damian fought with himself. Fought to stay alive.

What I'd give to take all his pain from him. Make it my own. Suffer all of this for him. He didn't deserve this.

I sobbed out, finally moving my feet as Jason left through the door. The sound of his desperate steps slapping me out of my stuper.

He was yelling for help, sounding just as disheveled as I felt and probably looked as tears streaming down my face.

I tried to catch up, my chest heaving achingly as I watched Damian's body just fall limp in Jason's arms.

This can't be happening!

My body shook with so much agonizing fear. Fear for Domain. For his family. For me.

It seemed a little selfish, but dammit I needed Damian! I loved him with all my heart and I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. Especially like this.

Especially to her.

The words he spoke suddenly thrashed around in my mind as I watched Bruce and Dick yell out orders as we all followed Jason down the stairs to the batcave.

Stairs that suddenly seemed miles long and never ending.

"I-I...I have to stop it. I have to stop her. I can't-I can't take this anymore."

"Who? Damian, who? Please, I can help. Just talk to me."


I had to tell them. They needed to know.

As soon as we got to the cave Alfred and Dr Leslie took over, having Jason Kay Damian on a med bed.

I remembered Bruce saying something about Leslie looking at something in the cave and counted it lucky that she was here now for Damian.

When I tried to get closer, just needed to see what was going on, my arm was grabbed, pulling me off to the side.

My heart skipped a beat and I jerked away from the arms holding me. "No! Let me go!" I was sobbing, probably looking pathetic, but I didn't care.

I needed to be near him.

"Jon, Jon listen to me." I was pulled again by the back of my shirt and when I turned around, my eyes going red as anger flared in me, I was met with soft brown eyes.


"Jon, they need space. It'll be okay." She pulled me into a tight hug and I just stood there, frozen in place again as I tried to make sense of this all.

Finally, when I breathed out, I couldn't help but cry. Burning pain filled my chest and my soul felt like it was leaving me. "I-I love him."

Cassandra just held me tightly, nodding as she sniffled. "I know...we all do." Her voice was soft as always, but the pain was still more than evident to my ears.

I didn't know what would happen next. I didn't know if Damian would be okay, but I had to trust that Alfred and Leslie knew what they were doing.

I had to believe that no matter what, Talia wasn't going to win this shit show game she put on. I was going to get my Damian back.

I had to.

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