The silver lining

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      "-gonna be just fine."

My head...pulsating. My ears...ringing. Everything feels...distant, yet so close.

     "Lay him down, gently."

What's going on? Where am I?

     "-needs you."
     "I just...I should've been here-"

Wait...I know those voices. Stephanie? Jason?

    "Stay. He'd want you here."

Oh God, Jon!
I'm here! I can hear you! I can-

    "-Love much you kno-"

Dick? I love you too!
Come on!! Eyes! Open!

    "Shouldn't have left-"
    "Don't blame yourself."
    "-hats the last thing anyone needs now, Bruce."

Father? Wait? I'm here! I'm awake!

    "Open your eyes, Dami-"

I'm trying! Please, don't leave me!

    "-ut up! Look!"
    "Oh my God! Damian?"

So much light.
Where am I?

    "Hes-hes waking up!"


Jon's POV

Damian's eyes fluttered and I think everyone in the cave came to a complete stand still.

No one breathed. No one blinked.

We just watched, waiting in agonizing anticipation.

I could hear my heart pounding forcefully in my ears as my stomach churned, adrenaline of an inhuman variety surged through me, pushing a choked sob out of my mouth.

"Damian? We're here! I'm here! Everythings okay." I had one of his hands gripped tightly in mine and suddenly he was gripping back, squeezing my fingers with his on.

A laugh bubbled up through my chest, sounding very childlike to my ears, but I couldn't help myself. I didn't even try to stop the tears running down my cheeks as I leaned forward, using my free hand to move a stray hair from Damian's face.

"I'm here, my love. Everything's okay." At least I hoped it was. Damian was alive and while that's all I'd been hoping for, I knew the darker awaited news was yet to come.

Was his mind his again?

When Damian's eyelids fluttered again, his chest rose quickly as he inhaled a large breath, seeming to come out of this drugged sleep even more. "That's it, babe. There you go."

Dick was beside me in a second, checking Damian's vitals and voicing things to the others that I wasn't too worried about listening to. I just focused on Damian.

His breathing.

His hand gripping mine.

His green eyes as they locked onto mine.

"Hey." It was all I could get myself to say before another sob tore through me, making my body shake as I moved my hand down to his cheek.

He titled his face into my touch, breathing in and out still rather fast as he looked at me. "H-hey." His voice was groggy, confused, but it was his. He was awake. He was alive.

Everything around us became a blur of movement as Alfred shooed the others, aside from Dick, Bruce and myself out of the room, directing them to wait outside till Damian was fully cognitive.

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