A Father's Failures

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Dick's POV

I watched Bruce storm through the house and down to the cave. He looked utterly wrecked and I immediately followed him, trying to figure out what was wrong.

By the time I got down to the cave, he was already in full Batman attire and I raised an eyebrow. "Did we get a call I didn't know about? Should I change?"

He turned to look at me, eyeing me for a moment before shaking his head. "No. Don't worry about it. Stay here with your brothers."

He turned to make his way to the batmobile and I followed him, not totally convinced that this didn't have something to do with Damian.

"Bruce, wait. What's going on? Why are you leaving?" I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him and before I knew it, I was pushed up against the side of the car.

One of Bruce's hands was at my throat and the other was gripping my hair. I groaned and grit my teeth, watching him with wide eyes as I tried to push him off me. "B-bruce?"

He let go of me and I coughed a little, leaning over as I rubbed at my throat. "What the hell, Bruce? What's wrong with you?" I looked up at him, my eyes watering as I braced myself on the side of the cave.

"What's wrong with me? You really want to know? How about the fact that I'm a horrible father, Dick." I went still, looking at him in shock and confusion.

"I've bruised and burned you. I got Jason killed and didn't even avenge his death. I've pushed Tim past his limits and never gave him the recognition or love he needed and now Damian-" his voice cracked and he looked down.

I opened my mouth, but couldn't find anything to say. I'd never in all the time I knew Bruce, seen him break like this. He looked powerless and it was terrifying.

"Now, Damian is hurt and broken because I was to blind to see that he needed help. Instead of stepping up and being his father...I was Batman. I took away Robin." He turned suddenly, punching the side of the batmobile.

"I've failed everyone of you at being your father...I've been told that I was always a better Batman than I was a dad and I tried not to think too much of that." He turned to look at me again and I felt hot tears run down my cheeks.

"But they were right." With that, he was gone, driving away and out into the night. My heart felt broken for him. For Damian. For myself.

I couldn't let him go out like that. Not alone. The times when we feel we have to be alone are the times when we need family the most.

No matter what he thought, he was still a father figure to me. He still took me in and gave me everything. Sure he's not the best with words, but I know after all this time, he did what he truly thought was best for us.

Besides that, Damian needs him here. Even if it's just his presence in the Manor while he's still unconscious. Damian needs him now more than ever.

I rushed to suit up, wiping away my tears and trying to compose myself enough to be a halfway decent vigilante before I left the cave.

I had to go after Bruce. I had to find him before he did something he'd regret.


Jason's POV

I woke up to the feeling of something moving around me. Or rather someone and stretched out, finding Tim and pulling him back into my body. "M'stay."

I heard him sigh out before a warm hand rested on my cheek. "Jason, I need to-" I shook my head, feeling my chest suddenly ache as my breath hitched. "Please."

My eyes opened just barely as tears threatened to fall. With everything going on and Damian still not awake, I needed something to hold me together.

That something was Tim.

"Oh, Ja." He ran his fingers through my hair before adjusting us so that my head was resting against his chest and his arms wrapped around me. "Shh. It's okay."

I didn't feel okay. I felt sick to my stomach. I felt totally useless and hopeless and shook my head, choking back a sob as I heaved out a shaky breath.

Tim just held me and rubbed my back, trying to soothe me, but everything hurt too much.

Bruce was pissed at us because we lied to him. I'd gotten into an agreement with him because of it. Dick was frustrated at me for who the hell knows what and to top it all off, I had known Damian was hurting and did nothing.

"I didn't do anything, Tim." I sobbed out then, my body shaking against Tim's. "I didn't help him...I could've-I should've, but I didn't."

Tim shushed me again, placing kisses all over my head. "Jason, it's not your fault. Please, baby, please don't do this to yourself."

I heard his voice waver as he sniffled and moved my head up to look at him. He was crying too and I felt my heart break a little more. "I-im sorry, Tim. Fu*k don't cry. Please."

We both wiped each other's tears and held onto each other as we calmed down. I knew he felt just as guilty as I did and placed my hand on his cheek.

"Let's just- let's just go get some food. Yeah?" He nodded and took a deep breath, leaning into my touch and he placed his hand on top of mine. "Yeah."

I leaned forward and kissed his forehead, still feeling broken and at fault, but now needing to feel brave and strong for Tim. I had to keep things together. For him and for Damian. For Jon too.

"You're right, Tim. It's gonna be okay. We're all gonna be okay." I hugged him tightly and he wrapped his arms around my neck, nodding as he sniffled again and took a few deep breaths.

I did need something to hold me together and Tim was still that thing, but now for a different reason.

I couldn't lose myself. Not now. Not when so many of us already were. I had to be a strong foundation and just remember that there was still hope.

Damian is still breathing. He's still alive.

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