A Different Distraction

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Tim's POV

I moaned, the paper in my hand slipping down onto my desk as Jason's lips found their way to my neck as he stood behind me.

"Jay?" When I tried to turn, he just moved one hand in front of me, lightly pressing on my chest to keep me in my seat.

His lips pressed against the shell of my ear and I could practically feel his grin against my skin. "Stay still."

I just hummed in response, feeling my body tighten up in suspense.

In a second, he had turned my chair around and was now leaning down, his lips inches from mine. "Jay-" I tried again, but he pressed his lips to mine, cutting me off.

It was wet and heated and I almost lost myself completely to whatever plan he had in mind.

Remembering why I'd asked to talk to him though, I lightly pushed at his chest. "Babe."

He huffed, but moved away, gently gripping my chin in his fingers as he gave me a curious look, then grinned and licked his lips. "Yes?"

My breath hitched and I wanted nothing more than to continue, but I shook my head. "I-I need to-" I felt his hand on my thigh and shuddered.

"N-no. Jason, Seriously." He rolled his eyes, but stepped away, allowing me to finally clear my head.

"Okay. Now, if you're done, this is about Damian." His face immediately fell and he stepped back further, looking at me cautiously.

"What about Damian?" He spoke slowly, clearly nervous as he crossed his arms watching me like a hawk.

I took a deep breath and stood up, gently putting my hand on his arm. "I really think you need to talk to him. Today was...well let's just say it was a good thing you weren't here earlier."

I grimaced as Jason's breath hitched. "Why? What happened earlier? Is Damian okay?" His voice rose as he grabbed my shoulders, looking panicked and upset.

"He's okay. Physically at least...but the cave is a whole other matter. He was training and Bruce decided to tell him to bench the Robin suit till he could clear his mind."

I didn't need to finish as Jason sighed out. "He freaked. That's not unexpected with the way Bruce tries to pep talk. I would know...I'll talk to him. Where is he?"

I sighed and just eyed Jason. "In the library. He's been locked up in there since everything happened. He didn't even come out for dinner."

Jason nodded and turned to leave, but looked back at me. "Who all knows about this?"

I took a deep breath. "No one but you and me. I was down there when everything happened and...I know he'll talk to you, Jason. About stuff he'd never tell me or Dick. He trusts you."

He nodded and leaned down to kiss my cheek before leaving.


Damian's POV

I heard the door open and scowled, slouching down further behind the couch that faced the door, hoping it wasn't Bruce trying to find me.

"Dami?" My head perked up at the sound of Jon's voice and I moved a hand up, waving it slightly. I knew he'd catch the movement and heard his steps coming towards me.

He peaked around the couch and sighed a little, immediately moving to sit beside me. "Wanna talk about it?" His voice was soft as he lifted a hand up, swiping some hair behind my ear.

I just grit my teeth, not saying a word as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

He hummed in response then sighed out. "I know how important being Robin is to you, Dami, but Bruce was just trying to-" He gasped when I shot him a glare, slapping his hand away from me.

"I don't need your pity, Jon. I said I didn't want to talk about it." I sneered and didn't need super hearing to know his heart beat had quickened as he huffed out, his eyes wide with suprise.

I held my glare for a moment before grunting and turning away. I hadn't meant to lose my temper at him.

You can't even be an adequate partner, Damian. What a disgrace. You don't deserve him!

My shoulders tensed and I grabbed my head, pulling my knees up to my chest. "Shut up!" I grit my teeth again, wheezing out as I closed my eyes.

I felt Jon move in front of me, placing one hand on my knee. "Damian, what's wrong? Please talk to me." I could hear the panic in his voice as I shook.

You're pathetic! I'm surprised he hasn't found someone who can really take care of him. What have you really done for him? Nothing!"

I choked back a sob, grunting in pain when my head pounded. "S-stop it...stop!"

Jon gripped my shoulders, shaking me gently. I hadn't realized he was still talking and only caught the end of a sentence. "Leave you-"

I froze, my eyes going wide as I slowly looked up. Fear took over me in a way I'd never experienced before.

That's right. He's going to leave you. Just like I said he would. Your meager attempt at a relationship means nothing to him. You mean nothing to him!

I knew this was all just part of mother's game. Her ploy with my mind to tear me down to nothing. To prove I was too weak to ever become the man I'm supposed to be.

But what if she was right?

Anger started to flood over the fear and I grabbed Jon's shirt tightly, sneering at him before shoving him away.

He fell back against a bookshelf and hissed, not hurt, but just dazed from my sudden movement.

"I don't need you to baby me! I'm fine!" I yelled out, standing up and clenching my fists.

"D-damian?" He reached a hand forward and I pulled out a knife, aming it at him before slowly moving it to my own chest. "Leave. Me. Alone!"

I started sobbing, clenching the knife handle tight enough to turn my knuckles white.

I heard Jon yell and get up, rushing to me. "Damian, stop! Please! I can help-we can help. Just please...let me in, Dami. Please."

When I looked at him, he was crying, holding his hands out in front of him as if he was trying to grab me, but too scared to do so.

Do it, Damian. Prove that you're weak just like they've always known you are! Silence me and show them that you're nothing. Do it!

"Shut the fu*k up! No! I'm not weak! I'm not!" I heaved out painfully, feeling my knees go weak as I sobbed pitifully.

"I know you're not, Dami! You're so strong! You can fight this! Please, Damian...I need you." Jon stepped closer, crying out when I stiffened my hand, pressing the blade just slightly into my shirt, just enough to tear the fabric.

"I-I...I have to stop it. I have to stop her. I can't-I can't take this anymore." Everything around me started to spin. I was spiraling down just like mother wanted me to.

I didn't care anymore. I just wanted her voice gone. I needed her out of my head

"Who? Damian, who? Please, I can help. Just talk to me." He glanced off to the side then stepped back, looking back at me with fear and hurt.

"Mother." I took a hesitant breath before I pushed at the knife quickly, grunting out as it punchered my chest.

My knees buckled and I hit the ground, letting go of the knife as the room spun around me. The ringing in my ears covering up Jon's screams.

Suddenly, an arm wrapped around me, a voice was yelling in my ear as my eyes dropped heavily.

The knife was pulled away and I was lifted up into someone's arms. The last thing I saw before my eyes closed completely was Jason's face, scared and panicked

I wasn't scared though. Infant, I felt oddly calm. Her voice was dying out in my mind. Like a light had been lit, drowning out the darkness she was dragging me into.

I felt my lip curl up as I heaved out what should've been a painful breath, my body starting to feel weightless as everything around me came to a stand still.

She was gone. Finally.

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