The perfect ending

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Jason's POV

"Easy now. Slowly. There you go."

I watched Jon and Dick help Damian up out of his bed, keeping a secure hold on him since he hasn't gotten all of his strength back yet. 

It was odd to watch, seeing as Damian typically isn't so lenient on receiving help from anyone, but maybe this whole situation has changed him more than I realized.

He still looked paler than normal, his normal dark glow duled to something around Tim's skin tone, but he'd been inside so long it wasn't surprising.

Luckily, he'd agreed to go soak in some sun out on the balcony. With Jon's watchful eye of course. We were all pretty sure Jon wasn't leaving his side anytime soon.

Hence his current predicament of what I'd consider man handling, but apparently that's not appropriate to say.

I moved my hand up, rubbing the back of my head where Dick smacked me early for saying just that and winced. Still tender.

I shrugged, huffing out slightly before taking in a deep breath and focusing on my youngest brother.

He looked different and not just because of his sickly skin or tired eyes. He looked...lighter? Relaxed maybe. Like he wasn't carrying quite as much anymore.

That, I knew for sure, was a good thing.

Damian wasn't one for speaking up or sharing his problems, having been taught most of his life that pain, even in mental or psychological form, was an illusion, leaving him exhausted, but hiding that too.

It was a vicious cycle. One I'm hoping we've finally broken. All of us.

I opened the double doors once they made it over to me and the light spring breeze made Damian shiver, but a small smile pulled at his lips and he just closed his eyes, stopping for a moment in the doorway.

It was early afternoon and probably about 60° outside. Warm with a cool breeze. The sun was reflecting off the windows of the manor, painting refracting colors off the walls and floors.

Even to me it seemed perfect.

When Damian opened his eyes again, they met mine. For once I didn't see any pain. I didn't see agitation or frustration or anger. Just my little brother.

I smiled softly.

None of us moved as Damian breathed out, already letting his body soak in the light as he stood, leaning into Jon's arms.

Dick slowly stepped to the side, closer to me and let Jon take over, guiding Damian over to one of the lounge chairs. I glanced at him, watching the muscles in his face tense then relax.

"Hey." I cleared my throat, digging the heel of my boat into the floor for a moment as I shoved my hands in my pocket. "He's alright. He's Damian. The most stubborn person I've ever met."

Dick turned towards me, smiling and letting out a soft chuckle as he clapped my shoulder. "Yeah. He is alright and Jason-" he stepped closer, moving in front of me and holding my gaze. "So are you."

I felt my chest clench slightly, then a wave of relief rolled off my shoulders as I nodded. "Yeah. Yeah I am." I let out a chuckle, my smile widening.

Through all of this I'd let fear and anxiety get the better of me. I'd let it tear at me like a wild animal. I'd let it think it ruined my relationship with Damian, which almost made me ruin my relationship with Tim.

I took a deep breath, feeling the breeze again and turning to look over by Damian's open door where Bruce stood talking to Selina. "What about you and Bruce?"

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