Loving Regression

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Jon's POV

When Cassandra let me inside the manor, I had expected to find Damian either in the library or the cave.

When I didn't find him in either place, I headed upstairs, passing Tim on my way. "Hey, Tim. Beautiful day, huh?"

I smiled brightly and he looked down at me for a moment before grunting in response and mumbling something about coffee.

Okay. Someone's cranky today.

I just shrugged as he kept walking and made my way down the hall.

It was still pretty early, but I thought I'd say hi to Damian before School. I just didn't expect to be hunting him down for so long.

When I reached his door, I knocked gently, knowing he'd still hear it. "Damian?" When I didn't get an answer, I leaned closer, using my super hearing just in case.

I didn't hear anything.

Wait...yup that's definitely breathing.

He was definitely in there. I knocked one more time, a little louder, but still got no response. I was starting to worry.

Damian didn't necessarily like it when I just walked into his room without his permission, but he really should've been up by now.

I waited a moment before biting my lip and grabbing the door handle. "I'm so gonna get beat up for this."

Finally, I just pushed it open and looked around. When I finally spotted a lump in the covers, I took a deep breath before looking through the blankets. My eyes turned red.

"There you are." I walked closer, listening to his heartbeat and breathing. I didn't hear anything concerning, he was just still asleep.

"Damian? Hey, wake up." I leaned over, finding his face just barely visible. I couldn't help but smile and reached down, gently placing my hand on his cheek.

"Dami-" before I knew what was happening, I had a hand to my throat and my back was against the bed.

I gasped and grabbed Damian's arm. "Dami, i-it's me. It's Jon." His grip tightened and I knew if I was anyone else it would've been painful.

"Damian, stop!" My eyes turned red again and I pushed at his shoulder, shoving him back with just enough force to jar him.

I watched his eyes widen in shock for just a small moment before he moved back and off the bed, speeding to his bathroom before slamming the door.

I had tears in my eyes and slowly sat up, just watching the door speechless.

What the hell just happened?

"Damian?" I sniffled as I rubbed at my neck. Again, it really didn't hurt. Not physically anyway, but it made my stomach churn with worry as I heaved out.

"Leave me alone, Jon." His voice sounded strained and slightly horse. I furrowed my eyebrows and pushed myself off the bed, making my way to the bathroom.

Like hell I'm just leaving him alone after that.

I grabbed the doorknob and tried to turn it, gritting my teeth when I found it locked. Without a second thought, I jerked it to the side, breaking the handle so the door opened.

Damien turned to look at me with a look of angered surprise. "Jon, what the fu*k? Did you jus-"

I didn't give him a chance to finish before I slammed my lips against his, moving one hand to his shoulder and the other to his hair.

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