Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The night sky sparkled like thousands of diamonds and the moon was bright like a giant nightlight, but somewhere there were two werewolf friends enjoying a good night out together, the pub rang the bell for last orders, between the pair they drunk at least 6 pints each, both were very loud and joking around and every now and again they would make vulgar comments to some of the woman patrons, one was Collin a tall male with pointed ears, slaked in jaw and thin in the face, he had yellow wolf eyes but a small nose, his hair was blond but short with small muscles on his arms, he had different tattoos, he was wearing a baseball cap and a hooded jumper, blue jeans and white trainers.

“Oh sexy bum come over here so I can lick out your bum hole hahahaha” Collin said

“Hay come now Collin we need to start moving otherwise we won’t get food” said Jason

He was a tad shorter then Collin but still very tall, he wore a old shirt with army badges on them, one was a rank the other was a regiment, he didn’t have any military training it was going on sale in vintage market, he had dark blue jeans and a pair of hiking boots, around his wrist was a watch, his face was slim but with stronger cheek bones, his eyes were also like a yellow colour his hair was short but comb to one side.

“Yeah that’s true, come on I need to get outside and role one up” said Collin

The two stood up, finished there drinks then exited the pub and wondered of down the road, it was quiet and nobody was around the lamps were on and surrounded each side of the street was a couple of short tower blokes and some small houses, both walked in the road, Collin was staggering while Jason just wobbled with each step, Collin offered Jason the role up but he declined it by saying “well more for me, oh were heading through the middle of the cemetery that ok?”

Jason just nodded; they turned around the corner once they got to the end of the road and faced the entrance to the cemetery, it wasn’t open, only a big set of black metal gates stood in their path, the only lights on was for the entrance to illuminate the gates, that didn’t stop the pair, Collin climb the gate and jumped down, Jason looked unsure at what to do, he shrugged and then followed Collin by climbing the jumping over,  it was dark at this time and the cemetery was darker still, the tress were so high and thick that not even a scrap of light could penetrate it, but as a pair of werewolf’s they don’t need light, their eyes glowed in the dark so they could see where they were going, the walked deeper in to the cemetery, Collin lit up another role up that he prepared earlier, Collin’s smoke wafted into Jason’s direction, he could smell the cannabis and knew it was stronger then what Collin usually puts into his roll up but he couldn’t be bothered to say anything.

As they carried on walking deeper in there was a open space and the moon light  Something jumped out of the bushes in front of Collin, Jason walked up behind him to see why he had stopped, it was a tramp holding a knife, threating them with a knife say that he will stab both of them unless they hand over there stuff, Collin laughed which scared Jason a little, he took too steps back and said “Collin he’s not worth it alright let’s just disarm him and walk away alright”

Jason just said “aww come you pussying out are you, fine ill have all the fun”

Collin walked up to the tramp not phased by the fact that the attacker had a knife, “Stay back I’m warning you!” the tramp shouted

Collin finished his role up and threw into a small puddle, the tramp was shaking as Collin kept on coming, the tramp took a swing at Collin, but Collin caught his grip in mid flight, squeezed his hand till he dropped the knife, but Collin didn’t stop he snapped the guys arm to point where the tramp was on the floor screaming in absolute pain, Collin bent down to pick up the knife and was about to stab the tramp but Jason caught his grip and said “Don’t do it think about your family you dick”

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