Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The sound of boots were hitting the stairs as if in a rush, there was a loud banging noise coming from the metal door as the slide hatch opened and asked for the password, Krol just barged in knocking the guard sideways over a desk, his fist were clenched and his mood angry, his were narrow as he made his way to Gabe’s office, he took a quick look around a noticed that boxes were packed or being packed, tables stacked and ready to move, the scientists had already packed up and left, as Krol approached Gabe’s door there were two guards either side it, one put his hand up as if to stop Krol but Krol took his arm twisted and kicked the guard square in the chest that it sent him tumbling over, the other guard drew out a cosh and flicked it to extend it, the guard was foolish enough to attack Krol but he grabbed the guards arm, squeezed it until he dropped the cosh and gave the guard several blows to the chest winding him until he was on the foetal position on the floor, Krol straightened his jacket and as he put his hand on the door handle and threw the doors wide open.

Gabe didn’t even look up as she carried on writing out some forms, Krol stormed in and slammed his hands on the desk, Gabe just held one finger up as if to say wait one second while she finished her paper work, she took of her glasses, sat back and clasped her hands together as she looked directly at Krol and said “so what can i do for you dear?”

Krol just looked up and said to Gabe “you know dam right why i am here, Marcus could be dead by now, his DNA yours and the girl as well but you sent that idiot Werstrom and now he is dead with a bullet in his thick skull and all i could get was a sample of Marcus’s DNA!”

Gabe smiled crossed her arms  and put her feet up on the desk, she unbuttoned her top set of buttons to show her cleavage, she held out her hand and waited, Krol took a step back and moved his hand inside and took out a vile of blood and tossed it to Gabe, she caught it in her fingers and started to twirl it around looking at it from different angles, her smile turned into a wide grin, she looked up at Krol and said to him “Wernstrom was a little pawn, he did his job well and if he survived i would have let you have the satisfaction of killing him but it would seem Marcus got there before you”

Krol was standing up straight stareing into Gabe’s eyes as he crossed his arms, Krol could remember a old saying that one hunter could recognise another just by looking into their eyes, the more Krol looked the more her eyes seemed hollow and heartless but her eyes changed to a longing look for Krol, he could that was genuine, he just said to her “Why?”

Gabe stood up and slowly put the vile of blood in between her bra and cleavage as she kept that smirk, she just replied “i don’t like it when people listen in to our romantic moments”

Krol relaxed just a bit looking around the room, most of it was packed up or gone, the only thing left in the room that hadn’t been touched was  the desk, but on her desk was something that he never noticed before, as Krol walked around one side of the desk while Gabe walked around the other he noticed that it was a picture frame, it was a old colour picture with different scientists all posing to the camera one was Gabe the other Madalin in the middle with others in and around, Krol noticed which one was Gabe, Gabe was smiling at Krol as he said to him “That picture was taken years ago during the high of Project Pariah”

Krol picked it up to get a better look, Gabe was young then with long white hair and a tight leather outfit, it clinged to her curves but he could tell that she had grown since, he raised a eye and looked at Gabe as he said to her “Pariah? as in outcasts?”

Gabe nodded as she walked over to Krol and said to him “Listen we need to leave, but the picture stays here, ill tell you more about the project later, right now it is you and me time ok?”

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