Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

The Day was warmer than normal, a small growing crowd started to gather around the crime scene behind the yellow tape, the crowed was getting restless as they were pushing and shoving, the vampires around and in the crime scene were obvious to spot as each one had the same black suit and helmet, the only way to tell them apart was there voice speakers, Ruby was a exception, on her shoulders she had white stripes, Ruby was already taking notes with Caleb next to her, he had sergeant stripes on his arm so it was easy to tell the difference, Luna was with Lucan near the science truck with a small group of humans Lucan was getting impatient as always, usually he likes things done quick so he ha can move on but he said with a raised voice “Listen you said we had evidence of who did this so where is it?”

A quirky man in a white suit approached, he was old looking, he wore glasses with black rims, he face had different wrinkles all around his face, he looked slim and worn out but he was still able to carry on his day to day business, he was limping with a cane in his hand it was black from top to bottom with a silver handle, he knew Lucan for years, for as long as he has been working on the forensic team, his name was Dr. Dawson Tyrrel, Dawson handed Lucan a old floppy disk inside a plastic bag, Lucan held it high looking over back and forth, Lucan didn’t seem impressed, but Dr. Dawson said “This was found on one of the bodies, we have dusted for prints but there was nothing on it and it would seem that most of the hair found in the crime scene belonged to the victims”

Lucan handed Luna the floppy disk who too looked it round, but she noticed that there was a small bit of handwriting, as she looked at it closely she could make out a P and a H but nothing more, she asked Lucan “What does that say?”

Lucan looked round back at Luna and said “What does what say?”

As Lucan took it back he too noticed the small bit of writing, he then handed it back to Dr.Dawson, he looked at the writing and he adjusted his glasses, he got them specially made so he could see object up close with a magnifying glass attachment, he flicked it down and all he could read was P an H like he scratched his chin and said “Hmmm, i better stick this under a microscope to get a better look at what it says”

Lucan lit another cigarette, he looked round and noticed that the crowed had gathered but it was getting bigger, he breathed in through his nose, he could smell the humans behind the tape getting there adrenaline up, each one was up high, Lucan made a short laugh, he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, he dialled a number, inhaled his cigarette and breathed out someone picked up and he said “Yeah, this is captain Lucan badge number 1939..... yes i think we are going to need back up..... yeah that kind”

Marcus and Gwen were outside, Marcus was kneeling down beside a dead of a werewolf on one side and a human on the other, in-between then was a outline of where a knife had dropped, it was a big as a person’s hand and about two finger widths wide, it had a sharp point, what Marcus was told was on either side of the knife was a curve grove, the blade was made of silver and the handle was thick but it had a grip, it was obvious what had happen, a human stabbed a werewolf, but there was a reason why they had called Marcus in, it was the fact it was a simple crime scene.

Gwen leaned over and said to Marcus “Something wrong Marcus?”

Marcus stood up, held one elbow and put the other hand on his chin thinking as he said “What is so strange about this?”

Gwen then looked around, a large crowd, only two dead bodies, but if the human killed the werewolf who killed the human?, Caleb and Ruby took notes of Gwen’s thoughts, but Gwen said “Well to be honest, who killed the Human and why?”

Marcus smiled as he said “you are a smart woman aren’t you, it is true, who killed her and why, but i had noticed that one of the forensics team members found something on the body of the dead human female, but nothing else on either of them, nothing to ID them “

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