Chapter 31 part 1

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Chapter 31

Kiren was sitting down in a large dark room thinking and waiting like predator waiting for its pray to arrive, he knew it was a trap and the burnt body was the bait, he knew they would come, all of them, it was now a matter of time, the room was dark with lights hanging off by a bit of wire or smashed and broken, graffiti was scattered on the walls, broken and decay desks littered the place, doors broken or off its hinges, no light apart from the beams of light coming through the ceiling or windows, the air was damp and smelled of decay and death, Kiren took a deep breath as he smiled thinking of what horrors were once unleashed in a place like this, he could hear the screams, the crying and the demented all at once, he felt at home at peace.

One of the hired mercenaries shuddered as he looked at Kiren, he took out a fag and lit it as he walked away patrolling the hall, as he walks a couple of feet he is met another one of his colleagues, they stopped down the hall to have a chat, they were both dressed in desert camo, one had a banderlore of shot gun shells going across both sides of his torso and a couple of grenades attached wearing a red beret with sergeant strips going down his arm, the other had a flack jacket ontop of his camo suit, he had a pair of goggles on his head, both blokes were tall and well built each carrying there weapon of choice, the Sergeant sighed “i don’t know about you Collings but i hate it here”

Collings took a drew of his cigarette, and let out a puff of white smoke “yeah tell me about it, plus that Kiren bloke, give me the fucking creeps you know”

The serge nodded “he does have a screw loose or something you know”

Collings took a worried look as the Serge looked at him “you ok Collings?”

Collings nodded “yes serge just have this thought that something is not right like this is it for us”

As the Serge walked past Collings he patted Collings on the shoulder for reassurance and said to him “Listen, so far we have walked away from worse things than this so we should be fine you know”

Collings nodded as he stubbed out his smoke and carried on walking, Serge checked his banderlore and his grenades  and looking over his shotgun, he didn’t like this place or this Kiren bloke, as he walked past the door to wear Kiren was still sitting he glanced in, he hadn’t moved from his seat and as he walked past he could see his breath linger in the air, the halls were dark with small amounts of light leaking through, his instincts kicked in as he held up his shotgun aiming it into the blackness “Identify yourself”

The shadow seemed to take a life of its own as Krol stepped out into a small beam of light lighting up his face, Serge lowered his gun “It’s just you, nice to see a friendly face”

Krol smiled as the two took ther hands together and bumped shoulders, “Has been too long Serge, last time we met was back in Iraq in the eighties, sorry it was short notice”

Serge smiled as he said “we don’t mind, the pay is more than generous, especially as it just to occupy this place and kill a couple trouble makers” 

Krol nodded and said “Well these arnt your ordinary human trouble makers you know”

Serge nodded as he patted one side of his banderlore “Silver ball bearings, 20 guage, human or not they will get ripped to shreds”

Krol smiled “good the bait is set and so is the trap, how is kiren?”

Serge snorted “that guy gives us all the creeps’ captain; some even reckon it could be our last”

Krol knew it could be true but he asked “and if it is would anyone falter?”

Serge smiled from ear to ear “then we all plan on going out with a bang”

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