Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The five mysterious men stood in the path of Luna and Marcus, Marcus pulled out his gun still on the floor barely able to stand, Luna stood tall and proud in front of Marcus, she heard him cock his gun while Marcus took a rickety aim, he fired a shot at one of the men in black suits but it was quickly deflected by his short blade, Luna didn’t keep her eyes of the men in suits, her chain still around her body, Luna said to Marcus “Don’t waist them, you might need them in case they get closer”

Marcus sighed and said “fine but be careful, these guys mean business”

Luna smiled as she said “So do i”

Luna took two steps forward towards the assailants, her smile was cocky and so was her attitude “So which one of you is first and would appreciate if you took your helmets in the presence of a lady”

All five of them took their helmets off almost at the same time but one face was recognisable its was Jasper Crane, he stood in the middle of the group, on his back was a katana, he looked upset wear as the others didn’t have expressions, Luna face was shock as were Marcus’s Luna said to Jasper “Jasper? What the hell is going on?”

All jasper could say was “i am sorry for this, forgive me”

The first vampire to attack one with the two short swords, his hair was short but his fringe was over to one side, he came into attack position with his two blades up as he rushed towards Luna, Luna waited at the very last moment as she flicked her head the tip of the whip hit square into the vampires head, through his skull, his body burned in a split second as his blades hit the ground one by one and his suit fell to the floor like rags, Luna twisted her hands to catch the tip of her whip,

Marcus managed to get up as Luna kicked one of the short blades back to Marcus he looked up questionably wondering why Luna just said “Put the gun away and pick it up, you may need it”

Marcus holster his gun inside his jacket as he took up the short sword in his hand, two vampires stepped forward, both looked like twins, same short hair but the difference was that one was spiked at one side of the head while the other had it on the other side both of them had a pole with a sickle shaped blade at the top, Marcus said out loud “Oh fuck you sure you don’t need a hand?”

Luna didn’t say a word, as the two ran towards her she dodged the first swing while the other stabbed at her with speed a precision, Luna twisted ducked and move with grace and speed, she was waiting for something Marcus could tell, Luna had to learn to blank out her mind quickly so they couldn’t read her moves and gain a advantage, as one stabbed she slide sideways span round as the tip of her whip hit the vampire but it wasn’t a kill, it was to stun the other one nearly caught her off guard as the blade sliced across she barely  had time to react as the blade missed her eyes and trimmed a bit of her fringe, for Luna time slowed down as she watched the blade come close, Luna watched as bits of her hair floated to the ground, her expression changed as her face turned red to anger, her eyes turned bright yellow as she let out a defining howl through the halls, Luna changed in a instance, her fur coat dropped to the floor, her underwear and shoes ripped into pieces, as fur covered her body her claws got sharper, her ears more pointy and her teeth more sharp, Luna had fully transformed Marcus was up on his feet by now he had a smile on his face “You did it now”

The twins looked at each other both had a sense of fear in their face, they should be scared, the last time Marcus saw this happen the poor sole on the receiving end looked like a scattered mister potatoe head once she finished with it, the twins ran towards Luna who was growling and drooling, Luna dodged the blade of the pole, wrapped the chain around it and yanked it out of the vampires hand, turned it around a skewered the vampire lifting  him high in the air as he disappeared into dust and rags, the other twin screams towards Luna as he saw his brother fallen, he sliced at Luna slicing her arm causing it to bleed but Luna couldn’t feel the pain as the adrenaline was kicking in on over time, Luna turned around dropped the pole she was holdeing and grabbed the other one the vampire was holding, yanked him towards and held him up with her bear hands, the vampire was screaming in fear as fear over took him, Luna then bit into the vampires neck causeing blood to scatter all over her and the floor, her hand rushed into his rib cage as she grabbed his heart and ripped it out, causing him to turn to dust.

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