Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The cab journey was long, inside the cab was three occupants, the driver, a young man and a young woman, the young woman was huddled up into one side of the cab, she was nervous and worried, her name was Gwen Duncan, she still had her hood up and her bag between her legs, her head was down not saying a word, the young gentleman next to her was Marcus, he was more relaxed, he wanted to say something or for her to say something, the silence was eerier all that could be heard was the radio in the front with the driver, the radio was going on about how a four humans were ripped to shreds by a group of werewolf’s and two young females died from a vampire attack, the attacks were a result of the shootings of two werewolf’s and 3 vampires a couple of nights ago as a result there have been gangs walking around the streets creating their own militia on both the human and supernatural sides, it also seems that the head of the SAS refuses to comment, the cab driver changed the radio station to stick on some old classic.

Marcus looked over at Gwen before he thought about what to say

“So Gwen I didn’t really say how thankful i was for you saving me so thanks”

Gwen was still silent; Marcus sat there and thought about what to say next

“Gwen do you have a place to live or stay?”

Gwen just shook her head; there was a long pause before Marcus asked another question

“Do you have any family?”

Gwen shook her head again and then Marcus said

“Well at least that’s something we both have in common”

Gwen looked up at Marcus, he had a half hearted smile, Gwen was smiling not even a little, she then looked back down as Marcus’s smile disappeared, Gwen then said

“What happened to your family?”

Marcus didn’t have to think about it, he knew what to say and how to say it so he said

“My parents died when I was thirteen the rest of the family just abandoned me and casted me to one side”

Gwen looked up at Marcus again, her eyes were filled with sadness and fear she then said

“At least you had parents”

Marcus was a little put off by her comment, he felt uncomfortable talking to her but then he asked the most obvious question he could think off, he said


Gwen looked back down and just nodded, Marcus thought to himself She’s difficult, before he could say another word his phone rang, he took it out of his pocket and answered it

“Hello, oh hi Luna”

Gwen looked at Marcus, going through her mind she wanted to know who Luna was but she waited for Marcus to continue.

“Ok so you’re back at the house how did your meeting go?”

Gwen could just about here this other woman on the phone, to her she sounded loud and over energetic, Gwen sometimes would get along with that kind of person but for some reason she had this feeling about Luna, Marcus continued on the phone

“No its ok we won’t be doing anything like that it would mainly be in the bedroom, yes I’m afraid, reason why, well...”

Marcus looked at Gwen who was looking at him, she was interested in the conversation or at least who was on the other end of it, before he could say another word the taxi went into a tunnel, the phone cut off but there was a traffic jam inside the tunnel the cab driver called back and said

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