Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Luna held the door open as Ruby helped Marcus to get to the sofa so he could sit down, Ruby lowered him down slowly while Luna Poured Marcus a drink, it was a brandy at least a hundred years old one of the finest which was given to him by his granddad who worked for a shipping company, he took a small sip and gulped it down hard, Ruby sat down beside him.

“Marcus what did you see?” Ruby asked with a worried look

“SAS troops killing civilians basically and a strange woman with an angelic voice, she touched my cheek and mentioned that stage one is complete”

He paused as he took another sip, he started to shudder even though the fire was still going, Luna sat next to him and tried to wrap her coat around Marcus to keep him warm, she even had her arms around him to hold him tight to keep him warm, Marcus took another sip and gulped it down.

“That’s not even the strangest part, this woman or whoever it was knew me by name, she could see me and knew exactly where I was”

Ruby and Luna looked at each other with a bit of dismay and confusion neither one knew what to say to each other or to Marcus, it was unheard off that a clairvoyant would receive such a psychic blow back, but it’s this person that worried them both.

Marcus stood up, Ruby stood up to catch Marcus in case he fell over but he stopped her before saying “Don’t worry I’m fine”

“Why would Lucan ask us to just forget what we saw?” Luna asked

“If word got out that the SAS was targeting civilians things could get ugly for us pretty quick” Ruby said

Marcus looked worried and replied “yeah it could but let’s hope it doesn’t come down to that, besides I’m off to bed its late for me night ladies”

Marcus gave both Luna and Ruby a kiss before heading off to the bedroom, Luna and Ruby sat up, Ruby was reading through her notes shaking her head “Luna this doesn’t make sense at all, why kill 5 innocent supernaturals it doesn’t make sense”

“Well like Marcus said it could be a set up , besides if Lucan is in charge there won’t be a scandal he will keep it quiet” Luna said resurgently

Ruby smiled and said “Yeah your right besides I got to see the elder tomorrow and tell what I found”

Luna smiled back saying “yeah I got a meeting with my clans new alpha male, so i need to report to him, Ruby?”

“Yes Luna?” said Ruby

“As a random question why do we fight from time to time” Luna asked with a big grin on her face

Ruby sighed and said “You know well why, it’s because I had sex with him first that and the fact that I also bit him to save his life”

Luna sat there and said “Oh yeah”

Luna giggled and then laid down to cuddle up to Ruby, but Ruby got up and Luna ended up with face full of pillow, Luna jolted quickly to see Ruby heading off to the kitchen, as soon a Ruby got to the door way a pillow hit her on the back of the head, Ruby stopped as Luna tried to get a reaction out of here but Ruby didn’t rise to bait as she carried on towards the kitchen.

Luna sighed, She knew Ruby was right even though she loved Marcus a mate she always felt second to Ruby, she was second to bite him and second to have sex with him, but lucky for Ruby being a vampire no other female wolf could have him so Marcus was hers when it comes to werewolf’s but in her mind its Ruby that come first, Luna sighed again and smiled saying to herself “Marcus is a lovely male specimen if we didn’t made a pact I would make him a werewolf by now, oh well”

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