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Athena P.O.V
*After school*

I start my walk home from school in a good mood. Today was probably the best day I've had in a long time. I'm physically excited as I skip down the sidewalk. I know it seems sad that I'm so happy over making just one friend, but with the luck I've had one friend is a lot.

I pass the diner I go to every morning. But this time I noticed the help wanted sign. I stop and gaze at it for a moment, thinking of how wonderful it would be to have a job. I got an allowance from my grandmother on my dad's side, but I could still use the extra money.

I was spaced out because I didn't even notice when someone came up behind me.

"Are you interested?" said a deep voice.

I let out a small scream and quickly turned around in a panic. I quickly calmed down when I realized that it was Will.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Will apologized.

"It's OK" I reply. 

I quickly turn around to leave and then he calls out to me.

"Hey Athena, if you want it, the job is yours"

I pause for a moment then continue walking. As I walk home I start to think about what it would be like to work there and how much I would enjoy it.

But I don't know if my parents would allow it.

I arrive home and quickly and quietly walk up to my room. I do my homework and play on my phone and then I hear the door open.

It's my mom.

I don't hear the usual loud noise and groaning so I'm assuming, for the first time in forever, that she came home sober.

I worked up the courage and headed downstairs. And thank goodness I was right, she was sober.

I slowly approach my mom on the couch.

And in a tiny voice, I ask, "How was your day Mom".

She shoots me a look I can't read then replies "Alright".

"Good", I pause awkwardly,

"So I was wondering if I could get a job at the diner a few blocks away"

At this point, my voice is shaking due to the fear.

She takes a deep breath and just replies with "Whatever".

I almost burst with happiness. I try to hide my smile.

"Ok thank you, Mom," I say trying to sound as monotone as possible.

I run upstairs do my night routine and go to bed. But I can't fall asleep because of the excitement. Two amazing things happened, today was the best day ever.

Will P.O.V
*The afternoon*

The day was pretty mundane. I only had a few customers. I sit behind the register and stare out the window and I see Athena looking intensely at the work-wanted sign out front.

I get up and walk over to her. I'm guessing she didn't notice me because when I spoke she jumped like she was scared.

"If you're interested the job is yours," I say to her as she is walking away.

I head back into the diner and sit. Again my mind drifts back to Athena and our interaction, and I begin to overthink. Ugh, why did I have to offer her the job? She barely knows me, I don't wanna come off as creepy. Why do I even care? She's just some girl.

My thoughts were cut off as three men dressed in black suits walked in. I  immediately feel uneasy. They look familiar. At this point, there was no one else in the diner.

I walk over to them to take their orders.

"What can I get for you" I ask in a cautious tone.

"William your father sent us" one said.

Ah, shit. I thought I'd gotten off his trail. My face hardens as hundreds of thoughts run through my head.

"What does that bastard want" I reply.

"No need for all of that, he just wants a relationship with his son", he says in a joking tone, "you know what he wants".

"Tell him what I told him last time, that I want nothing to do with him" I reply angrily.

"OH come on, don't tell me you still hold a grudge over something that happened years ago" he chuckled.

I subtly reach under my cash register and pull out a small handgun. I quickly whip it out and point it at them.

"Get out now" I yell giving no room for argument.

They all got up and started to back up slowly.

"No need for that" one of them said cautiously, "we just wanted to talk"

I  see one of them reaching in their pocket for what I assume is a gun.
I quickly shoot at the ground next to them.

"Tell him that the answers the same," I say angrily.

One of them smirks putting his hands in the air, "alright I'm just gonna warn you, soon your father will be tired of playing nice" he says as he leaves with the other two following. I let out a relieved sigh. Why can't my dad just leave me alone?

What he did was unforgivable. The only thing I want from that man is his death. 


I am in a role with these chapters.
It feels good to be writing again. :)


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