You're more important

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Athena POV

I open my eyes in a daze and look around the room. I slightly panicked once I realized I was no longer at school but then I remembered all that happened that day.

Just then Will walks into the room.

"Hey sweetheart, you're finally awake", he said softly.

I'm too tired to be flustered at the pet name he just called me. I just nod in response. He walks over to me with a plate of food in his hands and sits on the side of my bed.

"I made you some food, it's not much just tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich".

"Thank you", I reply taking the food from him.

It only takes a few minutes for me to finish it, to say I was hungry would be an understatement. Meanwhile Will just continues to stare at me and I look down at my lap embarrassed that he just saw me inhale the food. I look back up and his expression is filled with concern.

Wordlessly his palm comes in contact with my cheek. Carefully going over the dark bruises and every inch of my face until he finally reaches my bandaged nose.

It's like he's in a trance. He stops abruptly before declaring, "We need to change your bandages".

I'm a little confused about what just happened but I nod nonetheless. He lifts me bridal style and walks to the bathroom. Setting me down near the sink. He opens one of the cabinets and pulls out a first aid kit. He starts putting what I'm guessing is ointment on my bruises.

It's almost funny watching this over-six-foot man who is covered in tattoos be so gentle as he carefully starts to touch my nose.

"This might hurt a bit so hang in there, I'll do this as fast as possible", he says with his eyebrows furrowed and focused on my nose.

I can feel the bandage slowly lift and a stinging throbbing sensation intensifies. I try to stay still and hold it in so I can make it easier on Will, but my eyes start watering due to the pain.

"I'm sorry I have to do this Athena but that nurse did a shit job so I need to do it again to make sure it doesn't get infected", Will states.

I squeeze my eyes shut to distract myself from the pain.

"Alright it's off", Will says.

He stares at my nose for a few moments and I feel uncomfortable under his scrutinizing gaze. It wasn't until now that I realized how horrible I must look with my big swollen nose.

"Give me a moment I need to get something", he says leaving the bathroom.

I'm left alone and I know that seeing myself in the mirror will only make me feel worse but I can't help it. I turn around to look in the mirror. I look hideous. My eye bags are huge from all the crying I did and my nose looks so red and swollen that I'm scared it might explode.

How can Will even stand to look at me, I look disgusting. I try to hold it together but the tears are already falling. I have never thought of myself as pretty but this just destroyed whatever self-esteem I had left. I hear Will walking back to the bathroom and I try to quickly wipe the tears from my face.

He walks in and gives me a look. It feels like he's looking into my soul. 

"What's wrong", he asks worriedly.

I can't keep anything from him even if I wanted to. I take a deep breath trying to calm myself before answering.

"I-I'm ugly", I stutter as my voice cracks.

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