2. A Song That Reminds You Of Your Most Recent Ex-Boyfriend/ Girlfriend

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On Top Of The World ~ Imagine Dragons

Brief Summary: I have never, ever had an ex. I actually got into my very first relationship four days ago.

Dan's POV

I had never had a relationship. And you know what, at the moment, I didn't mind. Not one bit. Because although I had never experienced all the good things in a relationship, I had also never experienced the bad things. I was, on top of the world. I was like a king. I was able to accomplish so much.

I climbed the highest mountains. Well, not literally because exercise is really not my forte. However, I did manage to conquer my stage fright all on my own, go to concerts and conventions despite my fear of big crowds and even performed on a stage in front of a large audience alongside my local theatre group.

You hear all of these stories about a damsel in distress needing a prince to come along and save her. Or of people going through troubles in their lives and the pain being taken over by romance and love that completely eradicates the previous feelings and fears. Or of weak defenceless people that have to be picked up out of the gutter by some strong and handsome saviour.

Well, I call bullshit.

Because I managed to get out of my struggles on my own. Yeah, I had my friends and family there to support and help me but I didn't need some string saviour to carry all of my pain and destroy it. However, I did have this one friend, Phil, who may be more than just a friend.

But he's not some saviour that going to swoop in and save me from the big bad world. No, he is a true friend who is going to join me from where I sit on top of the world.




It's short but I don't have an ex to write about so, yeah.... ~Alex

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