13. A Song That Reminds You Of A Former Friend

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Pompeii ~ Bastille

Brief Summary: I wouldn't necessarily say a former friend but we haven't spoken in a long time and I think I need to stop holding onto the past.

Phil's POV

I was on a school trip to Normandy in France and oh wow it was so beautiful here. I didn't have many friends with me because most of them weren't really interested in the trip but I had my friend, Dan, and so it wasn't that bad.

"Oh my gosh, did you see that tour guide, he is so good looking!" I said to Dan as we sat in our room that we were sharing with two other guys.

"Calm down, he's like at least 21, you're still a minor Philly." Dan said, climbing up to his bed on the top bunk that he had claimed as soon as we walked through the door.

"I can dream, can't I?" I joked, wiggling my eyebrows at him as I stood beside the bed.

"Well, do you wanna go and check out that tree Joe showed us." Dan asked after chatting for a little bit and after he'd plugged his phone in.

"Sure, it so looked like the Whomping Willow!" I said as Dan and I made our way down to the huge tree that our tour guide, Joe, had pointed out to us. Dan and I were both really into Harry Potter and had started fangirling immediatley. I had taken to whistling Hedwig's Theme everytime we walked through the woods to go places which was quite often considering we were surrounded by trees.

"If you close your eyes, does it da da da dada da." Dan sung quietly as we were walking down the stairs.

"Oh my god, I know that song!" I exclaimed as I recognised the familiar rhythm. "Crap, I can't remember the words though."

"I think it stars like 'I was left to my own devices'" Dan sang quietly. "Oh gosh, I can hardly remember the rest." Dan said, eyes squinted as he tried to remember the words.

This then led to us spending almost the entire four day trip trying to remember the words to this song while doing various activities that the place had set up for us.

The trip was fun. Dan and I weren't extremely close before coming on the trip but that definitely changed after the trip. Because there were tables of six in the canteen and all of our friends had filled the tables we had to eat alone at a table for six for every meal and although it wasn't great because we looked like giant loners, it was nice to be able to talk more as we weren't particularly close before hand.

"Okay, so I'm pretty sure the secind verse is, 'We were caught up and lost in all of our vices, in your pose as the dust settles around us.' I think." Dan sang as we laid on the grass outside of the accomodation. The grass was slightly damp but we didn't mind too much as the sun was shining and it was nice to just lie outside and talk.

"Yes, that's it!" I agreed as we finally put together the last of the song.

"You know there's that summer concert coming up that Miss is going to make us do?" Dan asked. Oh I was well aware of the concert. Because we took GCSE music our teacher never let us get out of it. "We should do this song. I'll play piano and you can sing." Dan suggested, sitting up to smile over at me.

"That sounds great." I grinned back.

"Oh crap, it's time to go." Dan said, checking his watch.

"Ugh." I groaned as we stood up. "Oh my gosh, Dan, there are grass stains on the back of your sweatpants." I said as I spotted the patch just over his bum.

"So do you," He giggled, putting a hand over his mouth to try and contain his laughter.

"Well it's alright for you, your shirt covers it up!" I said, noticing hiw his top was baggy and slipped just past the stain.

"Here." Dan said and took off his hoody. "Tie this around your waist and you'll be fine." He offered.

"What would I possibly do without you?" I smiled softly up at him as I took the hoody and tied it around my waist.


An old friend that I wish was still in my life. School separated us. I miss her.

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