11. A Song On The Soundtrack Of Your Favourite Movie

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Come On Eileen ~ Dexy's Midnight Runners (From The Perks Of Being A WallFlower)

Brief Summary: When I watched this movie, I then watched it a further six times just to make sure that I cried every time. I did. And then I played this song constantly on repeat. This was all over the course of one weekend

Dan's POV

"Come on Phil, dance with me!" I called, throwing my hands up in the air as the next song started to play. We were at some stupid party and I had been drinking a fair bit and I just wanted my gorgeous boyfriend to dance with me.

"Dan, you are so drunk." Phil said as he moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "You know we have school tomorrow." He commented, chuckling lightly.

"I don't care!" I shouted as I leaned back and let Phil hold onto me to stop me from falling. "I'm in too good of a mood, Phil!"

I then took Phil's hands in mine and began twirling around as fast as I possibly could without throwing up, Phil was clinging onto me and laughing while trying to keep up with me. "Dan, you look ridiculous!" Phil giggled as I stopped pulling him and began jumping around, my arms flying around as if they had a mind of their own.

"I don't care!" I sang as I latched myself onto Phil once more. I leant in towards him and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek before breaking out of his arms and running to the middle of the room where I began dancing on my own, eyes locked with Phil who was stood at the side of the room, looking at me as if I was delirious. "Dance with me!" I screamed as the song hit it's peak and I just wanted Phil to jump around with me in the middle of this strange house that I had no idea how I had gotten into.

"No." Phil said stubbornly, shaking his head at me with a smile on his face.

"Come on!" I called, fastening my pace as the song picked up.

"No!" Phil protested but even in my drunk state I could see his walls crumbling.

"COME ON!" I screamed and that was all the convincing it took for several people who were either sick of my screaming or just as drunk as I was to push Phil over towards me where he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Fine!" Phil gave in, grinning as he took my hand and begun to spin me around on the spot. "But if you're sick in my car on the way home, you won't hear the end of it."

"Oh lighten up!" I grinned, twisting around while Phil's hands tried to keep my body somewhat coordinated with his.

"You're so beautiful like this." Phil suddenly said and I grinned at him, not stopping at all.

"Like what?" I asked, curious but still buzzing from the vibes of the song.

"All excited and energetic and jumping around like this with your hair pushed back and not a care in the world. You look so high right now, it's breath-taking." Phil said, smiling at me as I finally slowed a little bit to rest my hands on Phil's shoulders.

Instead of responding to Phil I simply threw my head back and grinned as I shut my eyes and continued to dance with Phil's hands on my waist.

"You're such a nerd when you're drunk." Phil said, looking at Dan's blissed out form. "My drunk little nerd."

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