12. The Last Song You Heard

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When It Rains, It Floods ~ Samuel Little

*I'm currently listening to music so I just pressed shuffle and this is the first song that came up*

Third Person

Dan and Phil were sat in the school common room in the morning. Phil was sat with his legs draped over Dan's as they shared headphones to listen to music. "So how was your morning?" Phil asked, smiling over at Dan.

"Not too bad. I mean I woke up late and the bus was late so I had to run up to school but it's only a little rain. Speaking of, my hairs gone all curly from the rain." Dan said, smiling up at Phil. It had been a bit of a shitty morning but nothing too bad and Dan was sure the day would get better.

"Stop fussing over your bloody hair." Phil said, slapping Dan's shoulder lightly. "It looks cute."

"You say that all the time and I still don't believe you." Dan said as he used his phone's camera to try and flatten his hair.

"Excuse me but I don't tell lies." Phil said in mock hurt. "Your hair is cute. Now get you and your cute hair out of here, lessons are about to start."

"Alright bossy pants, see you later." Dan said and pressed a light kiss to Phil's lips before leaving for his first lesson.


"Hey babe, how was your day?" Phil asked as he met Dan at the gates outside of their school.

Dan simply sighed as he walked into his boyfriend's open arms. "You know how this morning I said it was just a bit of rain?" Dan asked, a pout present on his face. "Well it kinda turned into a flood."

"Oh, Dan, what happened?" Phil asked as he pulled the younger boy closer to him.

"Well I left my folder at home for English so miss yelled at me for ten minutes before giving me a detention at lunch so I haven't eaten all day because I missed my whole lunch. And then in Psychology miss set a test that I forgot about and I completely tanked it and now she's going to get mad. Also Brendon was being mean to me again in Philosophy and I've just about had it with him. And it's been a long day, I kind of just want to cry." Dan rambled, his eyes watering.

"Oh baby." Phil sighed, rubbing Dan's back.

"I'm sorry." Dan apologised as tears slipped past his eyes. "I've just had a long day."

"It's okay, why don't you come back to mine and we'll cuddle up on the sofa and watch some TV." Phil suggested, leaning back from their embrace to look Dan in the eyes.

"That sounds nice, thank you, Phil." Dan said, smiling widely up at his boyfriend. It may have been a crappy day but Phil was always there to cheer him up.

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