9. A Song That Makes You Hopeful

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One For The Road ~ Dodie Clark

Brief Summary: it just makes me feel good and happy and hopeful so yeah. Also I heard Dodie perform this live before it was released online and that makes me happy, I don't know why

Phil's POV

I stood in the crowd, smiling as wide as I could as I watched her on stage. Dodie Clark was incredible. I loved her music and being able to stand a few feet away from her and watch her perform was incredible.

"Alright, so this is a new song I wrote." Dodie said as she tuned her ukulele. "It doesn't really have a name yet. But let's go with Fuck You Ex-Boyfriend for now." She grinned before beginning to play.

Everyone laughed at that comment and I heard the most beautiful laugh coming from beside me. There stood a beautiful boy with the softest eyes I had ever seen. He seemed to be on his own, so gathering up as much courage as I could, I stumbled over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, are you here on your own?" I asked, offering him a wide grin.

"Yeah." He nodded, smiling back shyly.

"Same. I'm Phil." I introduced and held my hand out to the boy.

"Dan." He replied, shaking my hand and turning his attention back to the stage.

Just in front of us there was a couple slow dancing to the beat of the song. The girl was wrapped up in the boys arms and they were both watching the stage with smiles on their faces. "That's cute, isn't it?" I said, nudging Dan slightly.

"Yeah." He agreed.

There was silence for a moment before Dan pulled on my sleeve, causing me to look down at him. "I know this is weird and we only just met but my ex is here and he's looking at me weirdly. Please can you put your arm around my shoulder?" Dan squeaked out, eyes looking genuinely quite scared.

I looked over in the direction Dan had looked in when he said 'ex' to see a guy stood at the bar and eyeing Dan up and down. "Of course." I said, turning back to Dan with a smile. I slipped my arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to my body.

"You're really warm." Dan sighed contently as he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you." I chuckled lightly.

After that I went back to listening to Dodie perform and couldn't help but grin. Everything felt so good then. Like I had stepped into an alternate reality where my favourite YouTuber and singer was a few feet away and there was a beautiful boy in my arms and music surrounding me and comforting me.

It was like something from a film or a music video. And I felt so good. I have no idea why because I knew that in an hour I'd be on a train. grinning at my phone screen as I looked back at pictures of Dan and I that we would take after the show and the picture I had snapped when meeting Dodie. And tomorrow I would be at school and it will be all I want to talk about but the emptiness will start to creep in.

But in that moment I felt so good that I didn't care. And somehow much more hopeful.

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