7. A Song That Reminds You Of The Past Summer

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Run ~ Chasing Grace

Brief Summary: this summer I felt free. Like I could just run and run and never have to come back to earth.

Dan's POV

It was a hot summers day, I was up in my bedroom, spread out on my bed with The Perks Of Being A Wallflower playing on my TV. Phil laid beside me, his arms around me and my legs crossed over his. Chris and PJ were sat on the sofa bed in my room, watching the movie with rapt attention while I focussed on Phil.

He looked so beautiful with his eyes scrunched up, looking at the TV in the same manner as Chris and PJ. Phil turned to me with a small, sleepy smile and I grinned back. It was nice, comfortable and it felt amazing.


Swinging on a park swing, fairly late in the evening so no one was around, the sun setting beautifully. Blues fading into pinks and peaches that just screamed 'summer evening'. I was on my own but hat was how I liked it. Just feeling everything and doing as I pleased. This is why I loved summer. The warmth and the long days and feeling lighter than usual.

Summer passed in a daze. It seemed to take forever but looking back, it was so so quick. Everything happened all at one and everything rushed in together creating a blur of images and memories that only just make sense. Flashes of songs and laughing and crying and living in the most beautiful way imaginable. There were no worries, nothing to stress about. The world around me was changing and terrible things were happening but nothing could touch me, nothing could hurt me.

It was like I had escaped and I was in a completely different world that only I lived on.


I miss that world so much.

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