4. A Song That Calms You Down

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Somewhere Only We Know ~ Keane

Brief Summary: It always manages to put a smile on my face or calm me down

Dan's POV

I was in Phil's room, sat on his bed and reading one of his comic books while he went to the shops to get some dinner. His parents had gone away for the weekend and I was staying with him but there was practically no food in the house so Phil told me to hold the fort down while he went out to get something for us to eat.

If I was being honest, I was not doing so well.

My mind couldn't really focus on the comic when other thoughts were whirling around my head, thoughts that I wished would just leave me alone. But, of course, that was not going to happen.

You shouldn't be here, you should be at home revising.

You haven't done any work and you've only got a month until your exams.

You're so lazy, just do some work, it's not hard.

Or maybe you should just sit and cry about it like the pathetic loser you are.

You're never going to get a job, hell, you won't even get into sixth form.

You'll be screwed and everyone will be disappointed in you.

All you have to do is put the effort in.

You shouldn't be here.

Not just 'here' as in Phil's house either.

Nobody's really going to care if you fail, it's what you're known for.

Or, well, not known for.

Remember that saying, how does it go?

"Remember that guy who failed? Yeah, neither do I."

You'll just be forgotten.


I guess, technically, you're already alone.

But just think how bad it will be when you're stuck feeding chickens while all of your friends are doing bigger things, better things.

Wait, friends? Oh Daniel, how naïve of you.

They won't even remember your name.

Because you'll be stuck.

You'd be better off not existing really.

You'll just be waiting for the end anyway.

You deserve to have to wait.

"Dan?" A small, worried voice from above me pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see Phil looking down at me nervously.

And then I glanced at the mirror behind where phil stood.

In the mirror, there was a boy sat on a bed. He had a comic book in his lap and tears were streaming down his face and falling like a waterfall from his chin. He had his hands fisted in his hair and was hyperventilating, his chest rising and falling at an alarmingly fast rate.

"Oh, Dan." A soft sight came from the blue eyed boy above me before he had his strong arms wrapped around me and was pulling me back so that I was lying down beside him on the bed. I curled up in Phil's arms and buried my head in his chest while he stroked my hair comfortingly.

Then, Phil did the strangest thing. He began to sing.

"I walked across, an empty land.

I knew the pathway like the back of my hand.

I felt the earth beneath my feet.

Sat by the river and it made me complete."

My breathing began to slow down until it eventually matched Phil's steady pace and I felt my tense muscles relaxing in his arms. There was something truly comforting about the whole situation. The way he held me. His deep, beautiful voice. The song that he was singing. Just, everything. It was enough to calm me down and stop my brain from thinking.

In fact, the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep in the arms of the blue eyed wonder was the beautiful melody that made me feel so safe.

"Oh why don't we go.

Somewhere only we know."




I am in love with this song and it makes me happy when I am stressing out about everything and anything ~Alex

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