6. A Song That Reminds You Of A Best Friend

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Secrets ~ OneRepublic

Brief Summary: one of my best friends is just the kind of person that I tell absolutely everything to. Literally all of my secrets.

Phil's POV

"Dan?" I whispered down the phone.

"What's up?" The soft, calm voice of my best friend asked.

"I have a secret I need to tell you." I told him, my voice still hushed.

"Which is?" Dan asked curiously.

"Dan, I-I'm- I can't do it." I sighed, hanging my head, despite him not being able to see me.

"Come on, Phil, you can do this." He urged.

"No, n-not like this." I muttered. "C-can you come over?"

"I'll be there in five." He said before hanging up and his answer made a small smile grow on my face which soon faded when the fear came back.


"Philip, Dan is here!" My mum shouted up the stairs only three minutes later.

"Send him up please, mum!" I shouted back and sat patiently on my bed. The door soon creaked open and I glanced up at Dan who wore a gentle yet worried expression on his face. "Hi." I whispered shyly.

Dan sat in front of me on my bed and put his hands in my knees. "What's up, lion?" He asked and I smiled at the nickname he gave me so many years ago.

"I-I-" it was all I could get out.

"Why don't we play hangman?" Dan suggested and he got up, grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and then returned to me. I loved the way that he knew where everything was in my room and just treated it as if he lived here. Well, technically this was like his weekend home he was here so often. He handed me the paper and I drew the lines for what I wanted to say.

_ / _ _ / _ _ _

"Hmm, well, I'm going to go with 'I' for the first letter." He said and I nodded, filling it in.

I / _ _ / _ _ _

"Okay, um, 'S'?" He asked and I shook my head.

I / _ _ / _ _ _             


"Uhh, what about 'E'?" He guessed.

"Nope." I said.

I / _ _ / _ _ _             


"Okay, let's go with... 'A'." He said.

"Yeah." I breathed shakily because he was getting closer.

I / A _ / _ A _


Dan's face suddenly showed a look of realisation and I swallowed loudly. I drew used to look at him as he whispered the next letter. "'M'"

I / A M / _ A _


I stared intently at the paper as I felt Dan's stare focussed on my face. "'G'" he said.

I / A M / G A _


"'Y'" he whispered.

"Correct again." I muttered and filled in the last letter.

I / A M / G A Y


"I win." Dan whispered. "In more than one way." He added.

"What do you-?" I was cut off by Dan pulling my head up and crashing his lips against mine.

"I won the game and hopefully I'll be lucky enough to get you as well." He whispered against my lips.

"I think I'm the lucky one here." I said before crashing my lips against his one more, not getting enough of the delicious taste.




So, I failed this challenge but I'm going to keep writing them in my own time anyway ~Alex

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