5. A Song That Is Often Stuck In Your Head

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It really depends but right now is Bittersweet ~ Panic! At The Disco

Brief Summary: it changes too often to ever have an 'often' song at is stuck on my head but this one comes up a lot.

Phil's POV

Dan and I were strolling through the park in a blissful silence when he started to hum. I listened closely but couldn't figure out what the song was. He was so cute sometimes. I looked down as his hands were swaying by his sides. One was swaying freely while he other one was tapping a beat onto the side of his leg.

His hand looked so lonely just swaying all alone by his side with no sense of direction. I really had no choice with my next action. I laced my fingers between his and let his hand swing mine along with his. I looked up to see Dan smiling widely in my direction silently before he began his humming again.

We eventually made our way to a large oak tree to the side of the park and sat down beneath it. Dan had his head resting in my shoulder and was still humming lightly.

"I've been to Tokyo and to South Africa-

Ba Ba Ba Ba-

Everything I do is -

Ba Ba Ba-"

Dan sang short fragmented lines in between his humming but I still couldn't figure out what song it was. It didn't really matter though, it was adorable the way he only sang a couple of words. The way his lips pursed when he hummed. Just so beautiful.

We were heading home, hands swinging between our bodies, just in bliss.

"You could tell me secrets-

I'm not trying to hurt you-

Feels like we're-"

I smiled over at Dan as we walked. "Got an earworm?" I asked.

He looked over at me in confusion. "A what?" He asked.

"An earworm." I repeated. "It's when you have a song stuck in your head." I explained.

"Oh, is that why that guy is called DJ Earworm?" He said in sudden realisation.

"Yeah." I said, smiling.

"Well, yes, I have an earworm but I can't figure out what all the words are. I don't even know the name of it." He sounded frustrated.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually." I assured him as we continued walking.

We were almost at My house when Dan began to slow down his walking. I matched his pace, listening as he began to hum once more.

"Everything I do is-

You could tell me secrets that I'll-

- trying to hurt you-

I just love to-"

Dan suddenly cam to a halt outside my house. He spun me around so that I was facing him and sang.

"It feels like we're pulling deep

So bittersweet."

He leaned in, pecked my lips quickly and then ran off, leaving me stood on my porch with a dazed expression and a tingling sensation on my lips.




It's technically the next day but in some countries it is still Monday, okay? ~Alex

Phan Song FicsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora