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Gerson glared down the hall that lead to the secret entrance of his shot. Yellow eyes staring at the small group that walked into his house. "I suggest the four of you leave this place at once." He said in a low voice, a small oddly sounding hiss leaving him in his anger.

Undyne lowly growled as well. Holding her brother close to her chest. Glaring at the four monsters that walked into the main part of the house. Her fins flaring up in anger.

The little group didn't look like any of the more deadlier and wanted groups. Those groups mostly stick to New Home, sometimes Hot Land. This group being in Waterfall meant that they were most likely new or were trying to get well known.

Gerson thought as he looked at them. Remembering how some of the more peaceful monsters have been spreading rumors and stories. How there was a new group that has been causing some trouble as of late. From what he remembered the group wanted to take control of Waterfall and make it a part of their turf. He glared at the group and took into detail of who they were. They were three different monsters. Two dogs, a cheetah, and an alligator monster.

One of the dogs, is a tall male poodle dog monster. Standing at a tall 6 feet 7 inches. They have a long slender snout with a pink nose at the end. Scars littered their face, the scars giving them a cleft lip and massive scar from the forehead down the snout. The right eye closed. Its possible that their missing the eye. Their remaining eye is a deep brown that's clouded over.

Upon noticing the clouded over eye Gerson wondered if the group was attempting to take over Waterfall as their own. With Waterfall having all the monsters well spread out. So unless a monster was walking on the paths it was rare to run into another monster normally. With one possible blind member of their group explains a lot.

The poodles grab fur is matted in some areas, but it was still had a thick poofy nature to the coat. The fur is a deep dark smoky gray almost black coat color. The fur shaved along the arms and legs. Balls of fur around the wrists and ankles.

Scars littered their arms and legs. Their tail and left ear seeming to have been cropped off at some point. Leaving the right ear unharmed. Though there was a bite mark along with a single ear ring hanging from the ear. They wore a simple pair of jeans along with a jean jacket. With a stripped bandana around their neck that they were trying to hard with their fur.

The other dog monster is a male doberman. Shorter then the other dog by quite a bit, standing at a simple 5 feet 4 inches. His body is slender showing the muscles that the monster has. Ears pointed upwards. One twitching as he glared at the small family with bright brown eyes.

Their thick, short, glossy dark brown almost black fur slightly shined in the light of the room. While the fur on their muzzle, hands/paws, upper arms, feet/paws, lower legs, belly, and stomach is a lighter brown color. A large fleshy pink scar taking up most of the monsters stomach. He wore a simple pair of leather pants and wore a chain bracelet around his arms. A bat in his left paw.

The cheetah monster looked interesting. Standing at an even 6 feet tall, but was hunched over. Seemingly trying to make themselves look smaller. Their pelt was a much brighter hue instead of a cheetahs normal white, yellow, and black spotted fur. They have more of a strawberry colored pelt. Their spots being a light color, instead of being black their more of a mix of brown and light brown. Their fur also being a much lighter shade of yellow. With a tiny little bit of white fur on their underbelly. Taking the term strawberry blond to a new level. As a few of their spots seemed to be shaped similarly to strawberries.

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