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Undyne smiled as she stood on Gerson's shell. Looking at the different stands that were around them. Glancing down at the silk fabric that's being used as a makeshift baby carrier. Where Cherry was sitting, he was almost a year old now. Her brother looked like he was close to falling asleep but was also so excited by everything that he hasn't fallen asleep just yet. She then looked back up at the market. Waterfall has a market much like the one in New Home except for the fact that this was much smaller compared to the one in New Home. It was time for them to pick up some more food, medicine, and Gerson decided that he was going to try and find a simple TV for home.

Gerson decided to buy those old movies from one of Undyne's classmates. As their family was trying to get rid of them and deciding that selling them was much more useful than just throwing them out. While he doesn't fully get TVs and stuff. He knows that one could be useful. It could help distract Cherry if he needed to keep him busy. Like if he needs to clean, do paperwork, taxes, or other things like that. All he'd need to do is put Cherry in his rocker, turn that TV on, and play a relaxing movie to keep him entertained. Especially if Undyne is at school. While he won't use the TV very often with Cherry, it wouldn't hurt to have a distraction if needed.

They had gotten most of their shopping done. Already having all the food they'd need for the next two weeks, along with some cold medicine and such. Undyne grinned as she jumped down from Gerson's back and ran ahead. "Careful Undyne!" Gerson called out. "I will!" She called back. He watched her carefully run through the small bits of crowds. Seeing that she stopped in front of a stand that has a tarp over it, acting like a makeshift roof.

Undyne smiled as she happily looked up at the stall. The little stall is selling simple electronics. Nothing crazy or top of the line like they'd find over in New Home or Hot Land. Just simple enough to fit the basic needs the item is needed to be used for. Like a music player that plays music, no screen that lights up or anything. Looking around at everything with her one eye. She smiled excitedly once she saw what they were looking for. "I found one!" Happily calling out to Gerson. Pointing up at the TV that they were looking for.

The old turtle carefully weaved through the few crowds of monsters till he made it over to Undyne's side. Looking at the stall for himself. He hummed and looked at his reflection on the TV monitor.

The monster behind the counter then turned around and happily grinned. Leaning forward and resting their arms on the surface of the table. She smiled at the little family. This monster did look odd. Being a weird mix between a cat, bird, and gecko. She apparently had three parents. So when the three monsters magic combined together, it created a very unique looking monster.

Having a slim gecko like body while having a massive furry tail. This tail belongs to the leopard gecko. This type of gecko stars water in their tails. So her tail is long and trailing on the fur, and is thick from the middle down to the end, it's covered in a mix of fur and scales. Her legs and hind paws are that of a cats, with double jointed knees. While her hands are thin and slim like gecko hands. Belly covered in soft skin and little scales. Her entire back being covered in fur, around her neck is a large ring of thick fluffy yellow fur that has black spots scattered about. Hummingbird wings on her back. Her head is shaped like a feline's head, but with a few gecko features. Like how her eyelids closed sideways instead of up and down, and instead of fur covering her face she has scales. She's a very interesting sight indeed.

"Heya Gerson! How've ya been? Ooooh a little baby! So sweet." She smiled happily and tried to look at the baby then looked back at Gerson. "Looking for a TV I see." She nodded and placed a hand on it. "This large cubby thing here. While bulky, it has wonderful colors! And has external speakers so you can get some amazing sound from this simple thing." She happily tapped the object while talking.

Big Sister UndyneWhere stories live. Discover now