Meet Alphys

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Some adorable chaos with Undyne and Cherry meeting Alphys for the first time.


It was another day in the Underground. Some groups were off making and selling drugs, others were searching for new sources of EXP, others were simply trying to live their lives. Guards were doing what they could to keep up and combat most of the monsters. Then there were the kids. Most of them knew the harsh reality of the Underground, while some were lucky to not know how bad the Underground is... yet.

Two siblings were happily playing around in Waterfall. Undyne grinning happily as she carried Cherry on her back. Quickly traveling through Waterfall and making sure to not get caught by any monsters that want to cause them any trouble or harm. Undyne grinned as she looked down the edge of one of the cliffs of the narrow path. Continuing to go further out of Waterfall. Getting close to the path that leads directly into Hotland. Moving further up the path till it branches out. Going down the other path that leads mostly to a clearing surrounded by tall walls. Within the center of this simple clearing is a large circular patch of tall blue grass.

Reaching behind her, she grabbed onto her brother. Pulling him from the carrier and into her arms. Crouching down into the grass and slowly creeping through. Smiling once they got into the center of the grass. Within the center of the grass a few echo flowers. These flowers aren't fully mature except for one out of the bunch. Smiling happily as she sat her brother down next to the echo flowers.

Cherry blinked and stared up at the large flower that was encircled by the smaller flowers. Making breathy sounds while reached up. Trying to grab ahold of the flower. Undyne smiled happily. Reaching up and carefully grabbing ahold of the flowers stem. Bending the flower down so the petals are closer to her brother's face. "This is called an echo flower. These flowers repeat everything that it hears." She grinned at her brother. Listening to the flower repeat what she said.

Cherry cooed. Leaning forward on his hands and listening to the flower repeat Undyne said in a much higher pitched tone. Staring at the flower in aw. The glowing petals lighting his face up into a gentle blue hue. Smiling and making breathy sounds as he reached a hand up, still leaning forward onto his other hand. Only to fall onto his upper body as he became unbalanced. Blinking in confusion before rolling onto his back. Grabbing a hold of the flower stem with his tail and pulling the flower closer to his face. Cooing softly as he continued to listen to the echoes. Reaching up with both hands and feeling the soft petals. His eye lights turned into stars out of aw at the soft feeling.

Undyne grinned as she happily watched her brother play. Chuckling quietly as she watched her brother grab onto one of the leaves and place it in his mouth. She had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing too loudly to prevent the echo flower from changing what it was saying. Then her fins twitched. Picking up the sound of someone quickly walking. Of claws scraping along on the rocky surface. Silently growling as the sound kept getting closer to her and her brother. Creeping through the grass to get to the outer edge of the grass circle. Pushing the grass to the side slightly to peek out and see who was there.

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