Bath Time

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Undyne grumbled in announce as she jumped down the ledge to the front door of the house. Moving moving curtain to the side and walked inside. Noticing Gerson by the sink and hearing the water running.

She didn't think much about it as she made her way to the table and tossed her school bag up. Glancing around and wondering where Cherry was. Possibly taking a nap.

Looking back up at her bag. Sighing in frustration at the bags contents. Then she glared at it. She was given homework that's due tomorrow. She was so going to wait as long as she could before needing to work on it.

Walking to the kitchen she looked up at Gerson. The turtle monster turned the faucet off and walked off. Going to the bathroom before returning after a minute. Placing down a bar of soap. Tilting had head a little once se noticed the handle of a brush.

Walking over and standing on her toes and looking on top of the counter. Seeing a bunch of different brushes that were set out. Confused she grabbed a hold of one and got off of her toes.

Looking the brush over and running a finger over bristles. The bristles have an odd texture to them. They were stuff and a bit hard to move but at the same time the top of these bristles are soft. It was an odd combination of feelings. "Hey Old Geezer what's with all these brushes?" She raised a two. Looking up at Gerson as she held the brush up to him.

"Hu?" Gerson blinked and looked at the brush for a moment then looked down at Undyne. "Ah Undyne. Didn't hear you come in... When did you get home?" He raised a brow in confusion.

"I got home not to long ago... got homework due tomorrow." Undyne grumbled in annoyance. Swinging the brush around side to side as she was a little bored.

Gerson softly chuckled. Glancing over at the play pen in the living room from over his shoulder. "We ll I need to give Cherry a bath you see. Whahaha." Laughing a little before looking back at the sink. Placing his hand in the water to make sure it isn't too hot. "He spilled juice on himself not to long ago. So now his all sticky."

"Oh! Can I help give Cherry a bath?" Undyne smiled up at Gerson. He didn't let her help before mostly because she needed to take a bath herself around the same time and she can't take baths in the sink. Though his brother should be joking her in the bath tub soon. So, she'll need to figure out how to clean his brothers bones. "Also you didn't answer my question!" Glaring up at him in frustration.

Gerson blinked a little as he realized that he did forget to answer her question. "Oh right sorry." He smiled and ruffled her hair. "You see Skeleton monster's, especially little baby skeletons, have a lot of hard to clean areas. As dirt and stuff can get stuck in all those little spots between his bones. All these different brushes are to help clean the bones and the area between them. Especially when it comes to cleaning between the bones."

Gerson explained as he pointed at Cherry's ribs to give an example. Then picked up one of the brushes. "Each of these brushes are to be used for different bones and areas. It took awhile to buy each of them. Isn't easy to get ahold of all of these."

He then picked up a brush and showed it to Undyne. "Like this one. This brush here is used to clean between the ribs." Gerson then placed the brush down.

Undyne thought then pointed at a different brush. "That one there is made for cleaning the spine. The bristles are firm except for the tops of the bristles. This type of brush is helpful for cleaning the vertebra on the spine. They don't go too deep in between the columns of the vertebra and don't scratch the bones." The old turtle turtle explained to her.

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